Oct 10, 2004 16:31
Wad up thugs its been a while since ive given u the pleasure of reading my exciting day. Well last night was fucking halolllarious went to shawn Pimp and hoe party, way fun lots of cute hunnys running around half intoxicated and myself was drinking but moderitly because i like to know what goin on around me. But anyways the Fucking police came and busted that shit in full effect there were like 6 cop cars and a helichopter circling with the sopt light it was awsome. 2nd time on tv it it would be cops hehe. Anyways there was a bartender who made bomb ass drinks and a dj who got all these ladies shakin there rumps . Danced with sum girls but it was like sex with clothes. I saw a couple of my buddies get grabbed by cops and most likley taken to De-Tox.Sum were arrested . but all in all if was fun as hell