Betcha can't eat just one!

Jan 03, 2005 22:08

Today was pretty fine i guess..Im feeling a whole lot better mentally i guess all this crap going on im just pushing aside lol .. Im in a muuuch better mood. I just had a tough week i guess. IDK.
Ok , so I woke up at 3:11 this afternoon..then Anais, Andrea, and Julian came over and we chilled at my house then we went to her house and my lil bro played nintendo with her lil sis..and we went online and Anais prank called Nick(my X)and she was like.. doing some old annoying loud aisin lady voice and she screamed "IS CHRISTINA THERE? and note shed already asked to speak to Nick bcuz his mom answered haha.. and hes like "what?" and she screams it two more times.. then he's like "umm nooo?..?" teh shes like"OH WRONG NUMBER.." HAHA F U BYE!!" funny stuff..
Then off to practice i only had an hour and a half but i did lots of dance records for a half hour-40 mins then went to freestyle and did my first right heel like 4 times around then i argued with my dad then i couldnt do NEthing.. but w/e..then i went home and ate..noe im here and Im going to have a hard time getting up for school 2marrow ..UGH..ok laater
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