Oct 30, 2004 18:04
Today i went to my sk8in rink and had practice and got to dress up and we had a cute lil halloween party and costume contest for the kidz. :) And Me,Chelsea,and Noelle are officially sk8ing whores.lol..Chelsea as Wonder Woman and me and Noelle in skimpy pirate outfits.We were known as "Pirate whores" niiiice I kno..lmao! Then i talked to Chelsea on the phone/online. Haha "omgomgomg..GO TO VH1 NOW" Austin powers is the greatest..haha..Then I talked to Jessie and her 23 year old goth friend from Georgia who seems pretty kewl. yeeap. And I am sooo excited bc I'm leaving in about 45 minutes to go to Howl-o-Screm yeeeeeah bebe!lol how exiting. I WANNA SEE THE MOVIE SAW!!! sumone make plans with me to go! =) lol..kk im out like a whore at Mass! haha..Later..
Shoutz of the day:
Stephanie:props to your hooters Tee in which i stole the quote for my subject.hehe
Chelsea:WABAM "you're the one who makes me come runnin" lmao luvz much
Jessie:Steer clear of the idiots on your block.Hah.