(no subject)

Jul 26, 2011 09:56

So, I've refrained from discussing the happenings of Norway, but I just need to say this:

Glenn Beck can die in a fire. I'm not even kidding. When the killer is let out of isolation and is rape-murdered by fellow inmates I shall not mourn him, and I honest to god wish Glenn Beck the same fate.

Other than that? Still an anti death penalty pacifist... just... y'know... I can look the other way. Except for Glenn Beck. Where I would get a front row seat.

A lot of thoughts going on re the stuff happening, but I've refrained from talking about it because the discussions always veer into the tasteless too quick for my liking. I will say this though: according to Europool, 0.35% of terrorist actions in Europe are carried out by people with islamist agendas. 90.2% are carried out by right wing extremists. The next fucking time I see another far-righter somehow try to pass the blame for what happened on the left, the muslims, the jews and claim that the right wing is impervious to assholes while the left wing are violent scumbags, I may prove them right and punch them in the face over the internet.

The man who committed this crime is clearly insane. He honestly believes he'll be lauded as a hero by many people, and that he will spark a revolution etc etc. As it turns out, EVERY group of people have these crazy-ass motherfuckers capable of carrying out such terrible deeds. If people could just have the decency to mourn or at least stay respectfully quiet during this time, rather than to try to push their own agendas of ANY kind I would be happy.

(But I am a bit hypocritical there because I'm more tolerant to agendas which are based on inclusive democratic principles, and less so to those based on hate and intolerance.)

My point?

Some asshole shot John Lennon. Some asshole shot Olof Palme. Why is it never Glenn Beck?

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