Feb 22, 2005 23:04
Yeah so not much to say except my fav person got a job a Wendy's. She starts tomorrow so all you tricks that have a problem with it or tried to tell people not to hire her that's too damn bad cause shes workin there. I think that is freakin awesome. Yeah so I went to work today chilled there got switched around a lot because there was some inspector gadget dude there then took Sam D. to the bank to cash her check and took her home flew across stank Palm Coast to pick Tarena up at my house then took her to her job interview yea yea. Then went home and changed took Tarena to Danielle's so she could handle her buisness. Then went home ate cause that's what big girls do. I typed so much more SHIT AND IT ALL GOT FUCKIN LOST SO FUCK THIS I"M GOIN O BED BUT ME AND MALCOLM HAD A GREAT NIGHT!!!