Jan 07, 2005 22:02
Take the first sentence from the first entry of each month in 2004 and put it in a paragraph:
Hey guys...Wow, it's been a while! You can`t blame me, I am in London. So here it goes...Whew...I just got back from a 4 days trip to York and the Lake District. So, I am in an awful mood, and I thought I should vent for a little bit. Well, I am in Seattle now! Ok, my new job totally rocks...except for the fact that I Have to wake up at like 4:45 to be at work. So, I decided to write in my journal today. School has been really busy. Ha ha.. Not to shabby....Monica is my #1 afterall! So it was girl's night tonight, and naturally the topic turned to hot guys.
Wow, it almost sounds like it goes together. I guess I am consistent in my tone:-)