Title - Afterlife [2/?]
Pairing - Matt/Jimmy
Rating - T (language)
Warnings - Jimmy is dead. Also, there will be sexual content later.
Disclaimer - As far as I know, none of this really happened.
Summary -
A translucent haze. Endless dreaming.
Dreams. Memories. Aren’t they the same now?
Feels like it.
But they’re only memories...
Memories we can never make
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Comments 2
The part in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone where Harry is spending the nights staring into the Mirror of Erised at his dead family really reminds me of this. Rather, this reminds me of that.
As much as we would like our dreams to be real, they're not always. However, I think it's really neat that Matt and Bri can communicate with Jimmy in their dreams. I just worry about what that could mean as far as them wanting to sleep more.
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