Jun 24, 2009 23:06
If I were to take the money I spent on this show and wipe my ass with it, at least I'd be putting the cash to better use.
I was embarassed to watch. I was embarassed for him when I wasn't busy trying not to dose off.
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Bad Things About the Show:
1. Theater kept foggy and stage lights beamed in audience faces at all important times for each lame trick. Heck, even I can make something vanish if I can blind you while I do it.
2. Criss, the hot house orchid, stopped his show to fight with someone who yelled out once accusing of being drunk. At first I thought it was a failed bit because the camera didn't work when he tried to put the guy on the screen, but I'm now pretty sure he just can't take any criticism or interruptions from audience.
3. One trick was so lame no one clapped and criss had to awake himself from a trance to hell out for people to applaud and then very conspiciously went back into his fake trance.
4. His outfit totally was out of place with the Cirque costumes except for the one time he put on oversized outfit to do the age old lame appearing white doves trick...which was made even more lame by his incessant pauses between each and every bird where he sought applause that just wasn't there.
5. Theatre smelled like rose air freshener in a retirement home and it made my clogged nose/throat/eyes worse and was so thick it was sickening.
6. There was a complete lack of story and way way too much time spent on his own biography.
7. Did I say how obnoxious it was having stagelights blinding us through a constant haze of fog during each trick?
8. Criss's lame dance moves totally ruined the only redeeming part of the show...the Cirque dancers....but I still hate their rabbit outfits
9. I had trouble not falling asleep.
I had more complaints but my mind is blocking them out.
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