(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 16:23

hey. iv havent updated in a while cause of my grandfather and also im just so damn lazy to type. last night i went to the high school with josh danny and meredith casue josh and dannys dad wanted to watch the band fags. but we didnt watch, we just like hung out up stairs. and like we were so hyper that my friend meredith kissed me on the check and then i kissed her. it was weird and lesbian like. and then josh kissed me and danny wanted me to kiss him and i said no and then hes like fake frowning so i just did on the check. meredith said that she understands cause she knows taht danny is like that. we were there for like 3 or 4 hours. it was soooo much fun! i was going to tell my mother that josh kissed me but she thinks that when i grow up taht im going to be a whore and so i think it is best if she just doesnt know. dont worry i will not be a whore or a slut or whatever u can think of. right now im at my aunts house for the weekly pfeifer feast and im waiting for my cousin to come home casue it is kind of boring with out her. geez paula the pfeifer will be so boring without u. for my sisters birthday and also a gift for surviving cancer i was going to pay for tickets to go to a green day concert. and there is one in may but we cant go so we have no idea when we are going. some day in my later years i want to go to an eminem and a 50 cent concert. that would be flippen sweet! eminem and 50 cent is like my new favorite bands or whatever u wish to call it. dont worry shell and paula im not turing into a specific kramer and i no which one that im talking about. today i bonded with my mother and we went to lunch and joanns. fun times. not really but what ever. well i guess ill go. bye G Unit soldiers.
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