La, it is a meme!
1. When did you start watching?
August 6, 2005, I was in Glasgow for the World Science Fiction Convention and they screened the episodes nominated for Hugo Awards.
Although I didn't get into the fandom until September 2006, when my sister moved to grad school, got an apartment with cable, and started taping the episodes from SciFi Channel.
1a. Why?
It looked interesting, and seemed appropriates as I was in the UK.
2. What was your first episode?
3. Which episodes have you seen?
New Series 1-3, scattered old school, mostly Pertwee-era.
3a. Favourite?
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Blink / Spearhead from Space, Inferno was pretty awesome too.
4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?
My sisters and Mum, but Mum isn't exactly interested in catching up on the Old School
5. Which Doctor is your favourite?
6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?
I haven't seen nearly enough to make that judgment properly.
7. Which TV companion is your favourite?
Liz, Martha, Romana, Sarah Jane
8. Which TV companion is your least favourite?
I enjoyed Rose and Nine, but her development went downhill in S2. That and her rabid fans scare me.
9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?
Not yet.
10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?
Not yet.
11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?
A few.
11b. Which is your favourite?
"Human Nature" was better executed onscreen, but some of the short short stories (that Advent Calendar one; "The Feast of the Stone.") lack the emotional intensity found onscreen or even in the better fanfics.
12. Have you read any of the comics?
Scans here and there.
13. Do you watch any of the spinoffs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?
Not regularly.
13a. Which is your favourite?
I expect I'll come to adore SJA when it reaches SciFi channel.
14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?
I want to find out exactly how amazing "City of Death" is.
1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?
1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!
She said her name was Cecily Carruthers and that he should meet her under the usual palm tree.
The year was 1890 and Time Agent Jack Worthing wasn’t exactly sure which palm tree to loiter under.
He did know that this was far more than just another business transaction. That “Cecily Carruthers” was dangerous and possibly armed. And that she was extraordinarily beautiful. (But then again, to Jack Worthing, most people were extraordinarily beautiful.)
And that if any word of this got back to Susan Foreman Campbell, he might end up unceremoniously dumped in the 17th century for a few years. That was a fate worse than buttered cuffs.
(Jack Worthing is, of course, Jack Harkness.)
2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?
For my personal use, mostly. I'm not that great at it.
2a. Let's see a sample!
See icon in post.
3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!
Space Between. I'm fond of Doctor/Rani.
4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?
6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
A patch on my backpack (circa 1986!), was gifted an "Angels have the phonebox" shirt.
7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?
I'm glad he revived the series and created Martha. Making Ten uber emo over Saint Rose to the point where he's unkind to another companion pisses me off and WTF Last of the Time Lords?
7a. Steven Moffat?
Is not infallible, but the strongest writer in the bunch. I met him CONglomeration 2006, a small con in Louisville KY. Moffat said what he really wanted was to write an episode with zombies. "Zombies on a submarine! Yeah!" :3
7b. Paul Cornell?
Human Nature > Father's Day.
8. What say you to Season 6b?
If One can be travelling with a fortysomething Susan in "The Five Doctors," why not 6b?
9. The UNIT dating controversy?
Secretly, the Brig wonders if Liz left because he wouldn't stop flirting with her.
10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
Brigadier goes boom!
11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
Are most excellent crack.
12. What's your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?
I'm a Pertwee fan, so isn't it obvious: "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!"
13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
I went and rewatched some "All Creatures" after some Five episodes. Oh, Tristan.
14. Have you met any of the actors?
No. But I did see Sylvester McCoy in "King Lear" with Ian McKellan.
14a. Travelled to any filming locations?
15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?
16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
Not really. Well, I think the Rani is Susan's grandmother, which is kinda controversial/weird.
17. What's your favourite pairing?
Doctor/Romana, Brig/Liz, Martha/anyone, Doctor/Rani, Ace/Jack.
18. What pairing(s) won't you touch with a really long pole?
I don't write Doctor/Master, but have been known to read it.