Jul 16, 2004 19:40
yesterday i went over to richards and spent the nite. mikey was there too. richards mom kept sayin these weirds things like were gonna pass out if we stay in richards room cuz its too hott. we made fun of her cuz she went into ricahrds room and we said shes gonna pass out cuz its too hott. lol. well anyways me and mikey spent the nite and we were gonna go to the beach the next day. today. we werent gonna go at first but then richard called us up in the morning and we went. it was fun. we saw some dolphins in the water. we thought they were sharks at first but they were dolphins. katlyn, richard m, and richard r, mikey, danielle, sara, natalie and chris all went to the beach with us. it was coo. i jus got back rite now. im really tired so im gonna go sleep.