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Aug 09, 2004 17:29

i just read a post on some random forum...the guy said athiesm is not real. that an "athiest" does not have proof that god does not exist. this seems contradictory...this person claims to be a christian and one might argue that christianity cant be real because there is no real proof. im sorry...but the bible? this is his proof? a book. oh and testimonials from ppl. blah blah...humans dont always tell the truth and you can almost be certain that everything repeated will be exagerated. i cant understand how someone could ask a person to believe in "god" because this book tells us he's real and yet laugh at the idea of ufos and aliens. there are books on the subjects...and there are testimonials too. but nooo...that idea is proposterous. and it seems rather presumptuous for someone to think that "god" would create this universe filled w/ so many many planets and only put life on one. how do we not know that the matrix is not what we live in? we dont...how do we know what real is? something you can see, feel...smell? we can do that in dreams. perhaps we all live in our own lil worlds. who knows. i am not here to say ppl should not have faith in their chosen religion. some ppl need that, some would be lost w/out it because their minds cant fathom anything different. i think faith is somewhat fear based. ppl cant except change but none the less christians, muslims, athiests...these differences that we all have is what makes the world interesting. if we all believed the same thing then it would just be so damn boring. im agnostic...when i see proof either way i'll believe. does it really matter if i dont? ive been told im going to hell because i dont have faith. funny...i thought only "god" was allowed to judge. it seems to me that "god"...who supposedly created us, who gave us our brains that allows us to question every little thing would not allow us do this if he didnt want us to. oh and by the way...if i were to have faith i still wouldnt go to church. i dont believe in it. its pointless. archeologists have found jesus's writings (sorry..cant think of the correct word right now)...of which he goes on to say you do not need to be in a church to speak to him. the roman catholic church refuses to believe these are real..why? because that would be the fall of churchs...more importantly catholic churches...and then the lil priests wouldnt have jobs anymore (and they wouldnt have excuses to see lil boys either...). i believe these to be the words of "jesus"...i cant say that i neccessarily believe he was whom everyone wants to believe...and i know of these because i love arecheology...not from a religous interest. heres a lil story...my dad worked in the oil fields, my mother traveled w/ him. they werent in a place for long...and when my dad was home he was exhausted. my parents didnt go to church, though they were both raised catholic (my grandma on my moms side was luthern but she was forced to go to the catholic church because of my grandfather). my mother never adhered to the catholic beliefs...but at the time she, like so many other ppl, thought that it was the way. naturally...i mean thats what she grew up w/. it was almost inate. anyways i was a few months old and my mother wanted me to be baptized because she had always been told that if a child dies w/out being baptized they live in purgatory(i find this theory to be utterly ridiculous...the church actually wants me to believe that "god" would punish a child for something their parents never did for them?) so my father calls the catholic church my mother attended as a child. the priest asks my dad if him and my mom attended said church to which my dad responds "no, im out of town all the time w/ work..i dont have time". the priest denies my parents the right of baptizing me at said church. my fathers response "are you telling me that if god were here right now, that he would deny my child?!" the priest was shocked...i guess no one had questioned him (out of fear most likely). that is the one thing i am proud of my father for. for standing up for me...a baby who could not speak for herself. i was then baptized a luthern. i have gone to church before. and no, i was not raised to have the beliefs i do. nor did i have any sort of influence. i am a very inquisitive person...i question anything and everything. i need proof. thats not to say that i dont "pray"...because there are times that i do. im used to it...its what i was raised to do. i believe in evolution...in the theory of the universe starting from a spontaneous combustion(the big boom theory). that in a sense, everything started out as one thing and everything will eventually be that again. how can i make this assumption? well there are other galaxies of course...other solar systems...and they've(astronomers) seen it happening...actually they are seeing it happen right now. whether or not there was life on these planets who knows and its really not relevant. i do recall hearing about some asteroid (or something) from mars that had a fossil of a small single celled organism...which would mean, of course, that there was once life there. (ppl need to understand that the idea of life on another planet does not neccessarily mean they would be human or have huge brains and be super intelligent)....anyways...there are lot of things i believe to be true. like the international banking cartel...which would mean i think the government...or some ppl in it, knew about the "attacks" before they happened. that these "terrorists" were knowingly allowed in the country, airports, and on the planes (c'mon...isnt it just too much of a coincidence that 3 ppl manage to hijack planes at around the same time on the same day w/ weapons?...oh im sorry...thats 4 GROUPS of ppl...). i dont like our government...this isnt what our forfathers wanted for us. this is not why they fought for our independence from england. things are changing right now. to some the thoughts i have are ludacris. im not asking ppl to share my beliefs...i want them to see theyre possible tho. just as i have been preached to on THEIR religions (of which they were trying to convert me actually...). i think everything happens for a reason. like everything i learn and experience is practice for something, knowledge for something. some might think im insane...well let me say this, "crazy" ppl dont know right from wrong, i do. and i dont see images. i dont hear voices. me feeling the way i do is no more "crazy" than ppl believing in a "god". we look back at the ancient civilizations and think of their gods and laugh but think about what ppl are going to think of us in 2000 yrs.

ok im done ranting and this was all pointless but its somewhere for me to get everything out. hah
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