Psychology truly fascinates me

Oct 23, 2005 01:21

So we got this assignment in Psychology, where we copy a paper and give it to our best friend to fill out about us. We also have to fill it out, but we have to try and guess what our friends think about us. I thought it was so interesting,
1. Is critical, skeptical, not easily impressed (Chris said "S," Danielle said "A")
2. Is a genuinely dependable and responsible person (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
3. Behaves in a giving way to others (Chris and Danielle said "S")
4. Is fastidious, fussy about minor things (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
5. Is uncomfortable with uncertainty and complexities (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
6. Is think-skinned, sensitive to anything that can be construed as criticism or an interpoersonal slight (Chris and Danielle said "S")
7. Is skilled in social techniques of imaginative play, pretending and humor (Chris said "S," Danielle said "A")
8. Initiates humor (Chris and Danielle said "A")
9. Has a rapid personal tempo, behaves and acts quickly (Chris said "S," Danielle said "A")
10. Prides self on being objective, rational (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
11. Is prductive, gets things done (Chris and Danielle said "S")
12. Shows condescending behavior in relationships with others (Chris and Danielle said "S")
13. Regards self as physically attractive (Chris said "S," Danielle said "N")
14. Seems to b aware of the impression he or she makes on others (Chris and Danielle said "N")
15. is calm, relaxed in manner (Chris and Danielle said "S")
16. Is overreactive to minor frustrations, irritable (Chris and Danielle said "A")
17. Has warmth, has the capacity for close relationships; is compassionate (Chris said "S," Danielle said "A")
18. Is guileful and decietful, manuplative and opprotunistic (Chris and Daniele said "N")
19. Thinks and associates ideas in unusual ways, has unconventional thought process (Chris and Danielle said "A")
20. Is reluctant to commit self to any definitie course of action, tends to delay or avoid action (Chris said "S," Danielle said "N")
21. Is facially and/or gesturally expressive (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
22. Has a readiness to feel guilt (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
23. Keeps people at a distance, avoids close interpersonal relationships (Chris and Danielle said "N")
24. Is unpredictable in behavior and attitudes (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
25. Is protective or those close to him or her (Chris and Danielle said "A")
26. Behaves in an assertive fashion, speaks up to get what he or she wants (Chris and Danielle said "S")
27. Gives up and withdraws where possible in the face of frustration and adversity (Chris and Danielle said "S")
28. Is self-defeating (Chris and Danielle said "S")
29. Responds to humor (Chris and Danielle said "A")
30. Has insight into own motives and behaviors (Chris and Danielle said "S")
31. Tends to be rebellious and nonconforming (Chris said "N," Danielle said "S")
32. Judges self and other in conventional terms like "popularity," "the correct thing to do," social pressures, etc. (Chris said "N," Danielle said "S")
33. Is socially perceptive of a wide range of interpersonal cues (Chris said "N," Danielle said "S")
34. Characteristically pushes and tries to stretch limits, sees what he/she can get away with (Chris and Danielle said "S")
35. Is sensitive to things that could be construed as a demand (Chris said "S," Danielle said "N")
36. Tends to project own feelings and motivations onto others (Chris and Danielle said "S")
37. Is basically anxious (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
38. Appears straightforward, forthwright and candid in dealing with others (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
39. Is self-pittying, feels vitimized by life (Chris and Danielle said "S")
40. Tends to ruminate and have persistent, preoccupying thoughts (Chris said "A," Danielle said "S")
41. Compares self to others, is alert to real or fancied differences between self and other people (Chris said "N," Danielle said "S")
42. Is power-oriented, values power in self and others (Chris said "N," Danielle said "S")
43. Is self-dramatizing, historionic (Chris and Danielle said "S")
44. Does not vary roles, relates to everyone in the same way (Chris and Danielle said "N")
Now that that's done. I think I did okay. Of the 44 answers, I got 22 right. And not once did I put an "Always," and have her put a "Never," or put a "Never," and haver her put "Always." That's gotta be good for something. Now if only school wasn't cancelled so I could find out more about what the significance is.
Peace and love.
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