Nov 19, 2005 09:26
COMPUTERS SUCK when they get old and completly die. alrite so on the 30th of october my computer dies and my moms leaving for florida the next day, we dont got the time to get a new one, so im stuck at home while my moms gone without anything to do. no computer, video games suck cause i beat em all, noone is able to talk on the phone cause they either wanna be bitches and only talk to me for like 3 minutes when they got nothin better to do, or everyone else is grounded. so for the next couple weeks i either stayed home or went to friends houses or somethin. on our 3 day weekend i went to erics for a nite, and then i went to kellys for 2 nites. it was alot of fun. but when kelly took me home my uncle scrooge....i mean scott, is suppose to drive my moms car home and get a ride home with kelly, but he wont answer his phone for my mom, so me and kelly go over there and i go up to the door, and he starts yellin at me and sayin to tell my mom not to talk to him the way she was (all yellin and stuff) and that she could talk to my other aunts and uncles like that but not him cause if she did he was gonna kick her ass, well hes an asshole. and so the next day hes thretening to call the cops and protective services on my mom sayin that she left me home by myself with no food or anything, which isnt true, so thats gay and im never goin to his house ever again and i dont ever wanna talk to him again, and now i gotta stay with eric and his family which is good cause im not always bored outta my mind. but yeah my computer broke down so i prolly wont be on after my mom gets back, at least not untill around christmas, unless she wants to get one sooner, so idk. well thats all i got to say, comment and ill check it out later, if possible.