Dec 14, 2004 20:41
Well...........its over......definetly not the ending i expected......not at all....not the ending i wanted could have turned out so much better than this.....
In the end, i should have seen this coming. This should have happened a long time ago. I should have done this a long time ago, but i wasnt strong enough. IN a way, i should be grateful for that, i jsut cant believe you did it and not me. But then again, i dont know you very well now do i? There were a lot of good times, and some bad ones, but i think it was still worth it in many ways.
I jsut get the feeling im missing something still.......but this is probably for the best.
This has killed my want to do anythig worthwile tonight. But its definelty good story material. I could turn this whole experience into a wonderful tale of heartache and pain. ONly, i might make a better ending. I always liked happy endings after all.
I will never forget you, never in a million years. NO matter what happens, i will root you on from the sidelines, whether you need it or not. Thats all i have left to say, not like there was much left to say anyway. I screwed up big time. I screwed up often and early. ANd im so done with romanticism. Well, merry Christmas, happy new year, and may your future be filled with thigns that mkae you happy. Obviously, im not one of them anymore.
Goodbye..farewell....and "gomen"...........
IM starting to wonder if i should get a new LJ. This one has too many bad memories on it, ones i should try to forget.....