Aug 24, 2004 15:40
1. Kissed your cousin?: nope..not that i recall
2. Ran away?: nopee
3. Pictured your crush naked?: sure?
4. Actually seen one of your crush’s naked?: no..
5. Broken someone's heart?: idk?
6. Been in love?: I think so
7. Cried when someone died?: yaa :/
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?:umm yaa
9. Broken a bone?: negative
10. Drank alcohol?: YES
11. Lied?: who hasnt
12. Cried in school?: like twice
Which is Better
13. Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
14. Sprite or 7UP?: 7 up
15. Girls or guys?: boys ;]
16. Flowers or candy?: candyy
17. Scruffy or clean shaven?: clean.
18. Quiet or loud?: loud ;]
19. Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes, preferably
20. Nice or playas?: nice.
21. Tall or short?: tall. <33
With the Opposite Sex
23. What do you notice first?: eyes, hairr body
24. Last person you slow danced with?: couldnt tell ya?
25. Worst question to ask?: asking a fat person if they are pregnant.
26. Showered?: no
27. Had a great time with the oppostie sex?: yess
What is
28. Your good luck charm?: notta
29. The person you hate the most?: hmmm?
30. The best thing that happened to you today?: went to toris
31. Color(s)?: orange
32. Movie(s)?: super troopers, breakfast club, little nicky
33. Book(s)?: in the forest of harm
34. Subject in school?: lunch
36. Holiday?: umm christmas?
37. Season?: summerrrrrrr
39. Place to go on your honeymoon?: um jamaica hawaii france germany
40. Makes you laugh the most?: anna dewan tori
41. Makes you smile?: tori ryan ashlee alex..tons of people
42. Gives you a funny feeling when you see them?: um no one really
43. Has a crush on you?: ryan
44. Do you have a crush on someone?: ryan haha
45. Can make you feel better no matter what?: tori
46. Is easier to talk to, guys or girls?: either
Do You Ever
47. Sit by the phone waiting for a call all night?: nope
49. Save E-Mails?: some.
50. Wish you were someone else?: some times
51. Wish you were a member of the oppostie sex?: no
52. Cry because of someone's mean words?: few times
Best/have you
54. Perfume?: abercrombie, my ocean, curves tommy girl
55. Kiss?: ryan
56. Romantic memory?: um...
57. Advice given to you?: toriiiiiiiiiiiiii
58. Fallen for your best friend?: noo
59. Made out with "just a friend"?: nahh
Have You Ever
61. Been in love?: im thinkin so
63. Used someone?: nope
64. Been used?: dont think so?
65. Been cheated on?: dont think so
66. Been kissed?: affirmative
67. Done something you regret?: sure
Yes or No
.x.Keep a diary?: umm a journal..
.x.Have a secret you have not shared with anyone?: dont believe so
.x.Talk in your sleep?: or so i've been told
.x.Set your watch a few minutes ahead?: dont wear watches
.x.Bite your fingernails?: nope
.x. Believe in love? Yes
.x.Movie you rented?: dont remember
.x. Last movie you bought?: dont remember
.x.Movie you watched?: exorcist..the beginning
.x.Song you listened to?: slow motion
.x.Song that was stuck in your head?:umm idk
.x.Song you've downloaded?: notta
.x.CD you listened to?: umm cky
.x.Person you've called?: ryan
.x.Person that's called you: ryan
.x.TV show you've watched?: step by step
.x.Person you were thinking of?: tori and ryan
.x.Of times I have been in love?: mm once.
.x.Of times I have had my heart broken?: couple times
.x.Of hearts I have broken?: idk?