Jun 14, 2005 07:16
Jessica asks me to wake her up for summer school today, at 6am her time, which means 9am my time. So, you might be asking yourself why I'm up at 7am since I don't need to be for another two hours. That's because I woke up and sent her a text message apologizing for the not waking up on time thinking "OMG it's past 6!" Yeah, I don't even know what the hell goes through my head at this point in the day, but whatever it is, it apparently turns off every brain cell I have and makes me do the most god-awfully asinine things. I hate life.
This means, that when I call at 6am her time, now that I realize what time that is for me (and it only took me 15 seconds of coherant thought!), she's going to bite my head off. It'll be well-deserved.
Conclusion: I shouldn't have access to a cell phone prior to 10 in the morning at the earliest.
In any case, I apologize, Jessica, for being such an idiot. ARGH!
Excuse me while I go kill myself.