A Bad Day

Jan 12, 2010 21:18

First, I almost get run off the road at 5:30 in the morning by some idiot who cannot wait until freaking sunrise to get on his cell. Then I deal with a classroom full of unearned attitude for most of the day. Add to this my being tasked to help a bunch of lazy bastards load cargo onto a plane because they don't want to do the work themselves, and I am forcibly infected with the flu (say what you like; I do not trust flu shots, as they ALWAYS give me the damn flu!). My computer at work keeps freezing up, so I am unable to finish a critical text revision that is due on Thursday, and my laptop is on its last elbows (I know what I mean) and my desktop sits unused and unconnected to the Internet because I have not gotten around to drilling holes in the walls to run cable through. My head hurts, my back hurts, my toes are frozen and I have to go to bed early so that I can get up and do someone else's damn job.


ED: Okay, not all bad, actually. Had a lovely dinner with Hel, and played an awesomely close game of Scrabble. I don't care if I win or lose, so long as the game is close, and it was! I lost by seven points, I think, but the lead in the game changed at least six times. Good stuff. Now for a quick shower and hopefully some cuddle time.
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