[Believe it or not Kevas has a strong sense of personal justice and even a moral code of sorts. It may be twisted in places but it's there. Taking an innocent life deserves punishment and he deserves to be punished. As far he's concerned all of this is his fault.]Alright, joo might be wonduhin' who be da one dat smashed dem statues and killed dem
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This particular Called also knows for a fact that you weren't along, Kevas; and even if you were, she would not see you take 'payback' for this mistake. A terrible one, it could not be denied, but a mistake just the same.
Her voice is still timid, a mere fraction of the confidence and security she might have voiced a week ago. A week trapped in stone might have a similar effect on others, though.]
Kevasss ..
[So much weight in but the use of his name: chastisement, concern, understanding .. all of that and so much more.]
Do not take the full weight of a guilt that isssss not yourrrssss alone.
[And she feels such, even after the conversation they shared over what to make of the statues. Even that he had destroyed the statue without the knowledge they all shared now, she did not see him as some horrid monster.]
Ain't be no uddah mons who be needin' to take it.
[That liddle mon has no part in this. Kevas could have stopped him but he didn't, and he outright told Ironhide to smash them. This is his fault, and no one else.]
However, Kevas is a comrade and (more important still in her eyes) a friend. She will not stand idly by while he throws himself to the wolves for whatever punishment they see fit.
Zhaneel is grateful for the friends she has made here and she is not willing to let something like this pass.]
Norrrr ssssshould you be. Tissss a missstake and nothing morrrrre .. you did thissss not out of malice, but forrrrr concerrrrn forrrrr thossse herrrre.
[She is trembling, knowing that she cannot run to his aide without risking him health in the time it would take her. She has not flown since recovering from the cockatrice's stare, but it's the only option to get her to Ardel in a timely manner.
She is antsy, shifting from foot to foot as she gazes at the sky.]
Therrrre musssst be anotherrrrr way, Kevassss ..
[The troll isn't doing this because he feels guilty. He already did his mourning and got it out of his system. He's doing it because he deserves to be punished.
Besides, he's being careful. Kevas has his armor on underneath his clothing.]
Oh I know dere be but I ain't willin' to die just yet.
[There's a promise back home he has to keep and family he needs to protect.]
Innocentssss though they might have been, Kevassss, therrre is a key differrrrence in theirrr deathssss as opposssed to othersss'. You did not plan it and therrrre wassss no malice .. Parrranoia assside, it was not asss if you woke that morrrning and planned to kill a villagerrrr with the knowledge that the sssstone figurrressss werrrre villagerrrsss.
[That last bit makes her blood run cold and she takes to the air. You hear that sound, Kevas? That's the sound of your Mama Gryphon flying to both protect you and flay you personally for doing this.]
Naught will be achieved by thissss, Kevasss ..
[And she was right in the thought that flight would be far faster than walking, already nearing the area of Ardel farmstead. It's hard to miss Kevas' lumbering figure in the middle of the square. She lands a bit roughly as compared to previous airy drops, but shakes it off, stalking toward him in a motion that is both feline and raptor.]
If you wissssh to ssssee yourrrsssself beaten, I will not ssssstand idly by.
[She comes to stand in front of him, never once looking away from her friend. He might be taller than her four-footed stance and find her small compared to the gryphons of Azeroth, but she is hardly going to let that intimidate her. She mantles as she raises her head, feathers and fur rising all over her body. She's really quite impressive like this, although she wouldn't think so of herself.]
And if you ssssee fit to continue with thisssss, then whomever comessss will have to get thrrrrough me beforrrre even consssiderrrring doing harrrm to you.
[You can try convincing her otherwise, Kevas, but (hint) it's not going to work.]
Just cuz I didn't know ain't be reason fuh me to get away wid it. If it been my family I wouldah tracked whoevah done it and gutted dem.
[And wouldn't you know it that's just what he got done doing before he was called here.]
If I don't do dis den how I be any diffrent from-[The people he kills.]-dose dat do it fuh da sake of doin' it.
Letting them do you harrrm issss not going to achieve anything Kevasss! It isss not a matter of you getting away with ssssomething! You are not getting away with anything. It was a missstake and they happen and you ssssshould not take punissshment for a missstake.
[He insists on the actions he would have taken for family and she keens low in her throat.]
I would kill forrrr my frrrriendssss or family .. but thissss isss not a norrrrmal ssssituation. Thisss place isss not normal .. allowancesss musst be made.
[She starts at this and rears back to look at him as if he has two heads, shaking her own harshly.]
It issss cerrtainly differrrrent, Kevasss! You did not do thissss forrr the ssssake of doing it! You did not have an intention of harrrrming ssssomeone .. therrre isss a differrence ..
Kevas has killed so many while under his father's tutelage. Most of the never deserved their fate. For years he carried out his father's orders without question, ignoring any doubt that crossed his mind. It wasn't until he killed his wife that he began to wonder. How many lives did he ruin? How many children did he leave without parents?
Whatever the amount was, it was too many. Kevas won't forgive himself for those deaths and he definitely won't forgive himself for the ones he cause here. In Kevas' mind it was the exact same thing, the only difference now was that he could let these people get some payback.]
Dere be no diffrence to me.
[His tone is cold and serious.]
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