So, umm...Yeah.....

Apr 16, 2006 18:15

So All in all this weekend was fun, my budd matts party, went to a Cowboys, then a house party. But I'm still feeling, down, partly because this girl That was interested in me, who was cool as hell, and fun as hell, desided to go fuck some guy after like 2 hours of knowing him , cus he was hot, *removes knife from back* that totally sucked. I put myself in a good state of mind after that if you know what i mean. The other part, is......I wish i could tell you but i have no clue, honestly i just think i'm loseing it. Missing friends who are out of state again. Really sucks. And one of my moms friends is here with her kid, who has Learning dissabilitys, so he's hard to handle, and usually i'm good with kids, but i just cant figure out how to help him, and that bothers me, cus hes a great kid, just, like all of us, has his quarks. But on the up hand hannah(moms friend whos here) is a massuse(or however you spell it) so maybe i can talk a massage out of her, might relax me a little bit. I just wish i could figure out what is that i need, and find a way to get it and keep it, cus i really dont like this bi-polar feeling, of being happy, and shity. I cant stand it. Well, i'm gonna go try and log some quiet time with my music in my room before dinners ready.

Love you guys.


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