[Ficlet] Eclipse

May 02, 2014 19:33

Title: Eclipse
Author: pimanzero
Pairing: Junba
Genre: crack
Word count: 651
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I own no one and nothing, but the idea >.<
Summary: “l hate love Astronomy!” -Aiba-


Class 3-B.

Jun stopped under the board sign, and scrolled the door open.

"Ah, here you are," he said when he saw Aiba sat on one of the desks, struggling with some books alone inside the classroom. The older lifted his head up to look at him.

"We've been waiting for you for about an hour at the court, but you won't come. What are you doing here, Captain? The class has already dismissed. And you even haven't changed into your basketball uniform," Jun continued while walking towards Aiba. He sat down on a chair opposite to Aiba's desk to face his senior.

Aiba sighed, waving one of his books in front of Jun's nose. "Astronomy," he moaned. "I got bad grade again on my last test. Sensei gave me this special homework to fix my grade."

Jun rolled his eyes. "Homework should be done at home. We have to train now. The autumn tournament is coming soon." He crossed his arm at the top of the backrest of the chair he sat on.

“I must finish and submit this before five, that’s what Sensei told me,” Aiba ignored Jun’s sharp gaze, and back to struggle with his books. “Gee, Astronomy sure is troublesome,” he grunted.

Jun stood up, dragging his chair to Aiba’s side and sat down. “Here, let me help you to finish your homework. That way, you can finish it quickly, and go back to the court with me. The others are waiting.”

“Waaai~” Aiba danced happily on his chair. “Being helped by one of the smartest students. I’m a hundred percent sure, I’ll get perfect score this time.” He grinned.

Jun took Aiba’s book and put it in the middle of the table, so they could read it together. “Explain the process of lunar eclipse,” he read the question. “Hey, this is very easy. You should be able to answer this.”

“For me, it’s a difficult question,” Aiba pouted.

Jun sighed. “Alright, I’ll explain it to you. When the sun, the Earth, and the moon are in one straight line, the Earth blocks the sunlight. It creates umbra on the other side of the Earth. We all know that moon is just a satellite that doesn’t shine its own light. If it is swallowed by umbra, it can’t receive the sunlight to be reflected to the Earth surface. Of course the Earth surface will be covered by darkness. That’s what we call the lunar eclipse. Is that clear?”

“Er…" Aiba bit his lower lip, "What is umbra…?”

“Umbra is the dark shadow…" Jun frowned, trying to find a way to make his explanation easier to be understood by Aiba. "Ah, like this,” he suddenly got an idea.

He moved his head towards Aiba, so their shadows on the table overlapped, creating a darker shadow. He pointed at the darkest part, “This is umbra,” and then pointed at the brighter part of their shadows, “And this is called penumbra.”

“Hoo…” Aiba nodded, spontaneously moving his head towards Jun to observe the shadows closer.

“Do you understand now?” Jun turned his head to stare at Aiba, but then got surprised, because their face was just an inch away from each other. Aiba looked surprised too and reflexively pulled back his head a bit. They stared at each other for a second. Then suddenly Aiba kissed Jun’s lips.

Jun jumped from his chair. “What the...?!?!” he screamed, blushing hard, wiping his lips with his hand.

Aiba blinked his eyes several times, staring blankly at Jun. “I… uh… sorry, I... I think I've just experienced an eclipse inside my head...”

“What’s that?? Baka captain!” Jun ran out from Aiba’s classroom, leaving him alone.

“Ah… he’s gone…” Aiba shrugged, staring at his books blankly for a moment, and then he remembered. “Hei Jun-kun, what about my homework?” he shouted, “You said you’ll help me to finish this, didn’t you? Jun-kun, come back!!”


A/N: another random story. I get the idea when I accidentally see the shadows of me and my friend overlapped, creating a darker shadow. It reminds me about umbra and penumbra, and then, yeah, this storyline came across my mind xDDD
By the way, there was a full lunar eclipse a few days ago. The so-called "The Bloody Moon".
Did you guys saw it? :3
Quick-beta-ed as usual by the one and only mabopiman \(^o^)/ itsumo arigapyon~ x3

genre: slice of life, pairing: junba, length: drabble/ficlet, rating: g, genre: romance, author: pimanzero, genre: crack

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