[Ficlet] Almost

May 03, 2016 22:47

Title: Almost
Author: pimanzero
Pairing: Tennen
Genre: angst, Superhero AU (Mets-Cola CM AU)
Word count: 547
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Owns no one and nothing, but the angsty plot
Summary: The long-awaited rain, the long-awaited peace, and the promise that finally said...
Warning: character death


That night, the long-awaited heavy rain that finally fell to the barren earth slowly extinguishing the fire that still remained in some places after the great war, leaving only faint smoke here and there. The remaining of the monster bodies scattered on the roads and among building ruins, and the survivors started to help out their wounded fellow to move into a drier and safer place to finally be able to take a good rest.

The strong smell of wet ground mixed with the smell of blood and burnt smell was suffocating, yet for the people of the Mets City, it slowly lit their faces with smile, for it was the smell of the freedom they were searching for all this time.

That night, the long-awaited peace had finally come for the people in Mets City. Together, they had defeated the monsters who had stolen their peaceful days.

Cyber Ninja Ayber just shook his head when Sniper MJ-II tried to take him into one of the intact building nearby to have his wounds treated. Despite the stinging pain all over his badly wounded body, he chose to just stay there, under the pouring rain, refusing to let go of Cyborg Big-No's hand, keeping the connection with his beloved one's now lifeless body...

Apparently, the freedom that they got must be paid with a really high price.

Ayber was just too sad-too desperate, and partly still couldn't believe that his loved one had lost his life in that war-that he couldn't even shed a single tear anymore.

"Nee, Oh-chan," he remembered saying to Cyborg Big-No before they went to the war that afternoon. "If we end up winning this war..."

His friend just threw him a questioning gaze with his usual calm and rather-sleepy expression, waiting for Ayber to continue his words.

"If we end up winning this war..." he tried again with shaking voice, "Would you-um... Would you stay with me? I mean, like, um... Living together with me, or... In the other words, we could... Um..."

He couldn't finish his words, for his ability to put them in right order seemed to be suddenly gone. So he just stood there, gaping like an idiot, his face flushing red so badly. But then he heard Big-No chuckled.

"Okay," the older simply replied. Ayber raised his gaze to stare at his friend in disbelief.

"Huh? I mean- Really?!"

Big-No nodded with a soft shy smile on his lips, carving a really wide grin on Ayber's lips.

"Yosh! Then, Let's go and win this war!!" he shouted in his usual excitement, earning a slap on the back of his head from MJ-II, and a laugh from his boyfriend-to-be.

That time, he never thought that it would be the last time he would ever hear that laugh.

"Why?" he whispered silently, staring at the older's now pale face. With his eyes closed like that, Big-No looked so peaceful. Way too peaceful, that it hurt Ayber so much just to see it.

The warm tears finally started to stream down Ayber's cheeks, blended with the cold rain water. He reached and took Big-No's cold body into a tight embrace, feeling the deep dark hole that was slowly engraving inside him.

"Just when we've finally won this war..."


A/N: New Mets-Cola CM + raining all day long in my city + Arashi's Refrain on repeat on my playlist = this.
I'm so sorry if I break your heart. I just want to get this scene out of my head... m(__)m

pairing: ohba, genre: angst, genre: fantasy, length: drabble/ficlet, rating: g, author: pimanzero

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