[30 Days Random Words Challenge] Day 9 - Depart

Apr 27, 2015 15:44

Title: Oyasuminasai, Sho-chan
Prompt: Depart
Author: pimanzero
Pairing: Yama, OT5
Rating: G
Genre: General Arashi friendship, Fluff
Word Count: 1.279
Summary: Sho was feeling unwell, so the other members (well, except Nino), tried to make him feel better.


It was 8 in the morning, and Arashi were already on their way to Europe, for a Shiyagare filming.

It would be a long flight, and Sho was feeling a bit unwell.

Feeling tired and sick, he sat near the window, beside Aiba. He had closed his eyes, trying to sleep, but he couldn't.

First, it was because of the weather. It was a cloudy morning, that their plane had to go through some thick clouds, making it shake roughly from time to time. It brought nausea that made Sho's stomach and throat felt uncomfortable.

Second, it was because of Aiba.

"Sho-chan, look! There's an UFO-shaped cloud over there!!" the said man chirped vigorously while pointing at the plane's window to the cloudy sky outside. Sho, still closing his eyes, didn't give any answer.

"Ah, now that one! Look! It looks like a lion head! Wooow! Sho-chan, Sho-chan, look! It is showing off its sharp teeth to us! Can you see it too?" Aiba shook Sho's shoulder in the attempt to get the newscaster's attention, but failed.

"Masaki-kun, will you shut up?" said someone from the seat in front of them. It was Jun. "Sho-san is very tired because he just had a drama filming until 3 a.m. So just leave him alone and let him sleep, will you? He should take enough rest, or we'll lose him in our shooting."

"Jun-kun, why so mean? I'm just trying to make Sho-chan feel better," Aiba complained, leaning back to his seat, pouting.

"By showing him the shapes of the clouds?" Jun chuckled, "Very funny. If you want to make him feel better, just stay still on your seat, and be quiet. That would be enough."

Aiba didn't answer, still pouting, but he obeyed Jun anyway, and kept silent.

But not for long.

Sho had just started to feel thankful to Jun, when he heard Aiba raised his voice again, "Ah! A dragon! A dragon-shaped cloud this time, Sho-chan, look! It looks like the one from our Pazudora CM!"

Sho could feel Aiba shifted and stretched his body over him towards the window, to be able to see the 'dragon' more clearly.

"Whoaa!!" Sho heard his bandmate's amazed voice right next to his ear.

"Baka," Suddenly a high-pitched voice scoffed from behind them. Nino. "It's not a dragon, Aiba-shi. It's a T-rex. Look, it has no wings. And its upper limbs are much smaller than the lower. And the snout is too big. Dragon's snout isn't that big."

"But Nino," Sho could heard the 'click' sound when Aiba unfastened his seat belt. The taller man then shifted, getting on his knees on his seat to face Arashi's second youngest member who sat right behind him, "It is a dragon. Look at the tail! It's too big for T-rex's. And the lower limbs are too short. It's definitely a dragon!"

Nino snorted. "So now, you think you know this kind of stuff better than me, Ninomiya Kazunari, who has spent 3/4 of his life playing video games? No way," he chuckled cynically.

"Excuse me, Aiba-san? Could you sit back on your seat, please? The weather is not very good, so it's better to keep your seat belt fastened," warned a flight attendant.

"Yes. Because in fact I do, Nino," Aiba answered stubbornly. Ignoring the flight attendant, he climbed down from his seat, to move to the empty one beside Nino, "I'm pretty sure it is a dragon!"

And the debate went on.

Great. Aiba and Nino, and their usual ridiculous debate, right behind him. At this point, Sho began to regret his seat choice. He should had sat alone somewhere in the back row.

Sho really hoped that Jun would stand up from his seat to shut the two noisy brats up, but he just heard Jun clicked his tongue in annoyance, and mumbled, "Kids."

And that's it. There wouldn't be anybody to break Nino and Aiba's debate anymore. Sho himself didn't want to speak a word to stop them, as he was afraid if he ever opened his mouth, he would throw up.

Sho shifted uncomfortably on his seat, his eyes moved restlessly under his eyelids. A second later, he felt someone plopped down onto Aiba's abandoned seat. Only by his calm presence, Sho could recognize who this someone was, even without opening his eyes.

It must be Ohno Satoshi, their leader.

Before Sho could turn to see the older man, suddenly a warm blanket was spread over his body. He turned, cracking his eyes open, and met Satoshi's calm gaze.

The older was smiling softly towards him.

Without a word, Ohno stretched his beautiful hand to softly draw Sho's head to rest on his shoulder, meanwhile his other hand had found its way to lace its fingers with Sho's.

Sho followed Ohno's guidance obediently, lying his head on that small yet firm shoulder of the older man, and soon closing his eyes again.

The next second, the noise that Aiba and Nino was making suddenly disappeared from Sho's ears, drowned by Satoshi's soft humming voice.

It was Hatenai Sora, and for a reason, Sho was suddenly feeling at ease. This was, from what Sho learnt after fifteen years they were together, one of Satoshi's special power; an ability to make people around him felt calm and safe.

With Satoshi's calming voice in his ears, Sho began to imagine himself lying down on a wide, wide cloud. A wide, white cloud, which looked like a big, soft, comfortable bed...

He let his imagination flew far, far away, outside the plane, to the endless blue sky. And before he knew it, Sho had fallen into a deep slumber.

Hearing a soft snoring from the man beside him, Ohno, still continuing to hum his song, let out a slight smile.

Oyasuminasai, Sho-chan.


"Fuwah..." Sho yawned wide as they went down one of the escalators inside the busy airport, heading to the immigration.

"Are you sure you don't need to take any medicine or supplement, Sho-san?" Jun, the living drugstore, asked for the nth time.

"Nope. I feel much better now. Alive and fresh," the older answered while lifting both of his hands up, stretching his body, which had stiffen from sleeping on the plane's seat for about 7 hours.

"Great, then. I thought you won't be able to rest well because of the two noisy kids over there," Jun tilted his head towards Nino and Aiba, who looked sleepy and exhausted.

Sho chuckled. "Yeah. At first I was very annoyed by their silly fight. But then Satoshi came and..."

The newscaster let his words hanging on the air, then turned his head to another direction. Jun followed the older's gaze, and he saw Ohno, standing near to them, staring blankly at the board signs above them with his usual sleepy expression.

"Riida what?" Jun raised his brows in curiosity.

Sho flashed a mysterious smile towards the younger, then left him to get into the queue in front of the immigration counter.

Curious, Jun approached Ohno. "Hey, Riida, what were you doing back then in the plane, that could make Sho-san sleep well?"

"Hmm?" Ohno woke up from his daydreaming, "Ah, that... That's just something I usually do everytime I find Sho-chan has insomnia..."

"And what is that, exactly...?"

Ohno didn't answer. He just smiled, and went to join Sho in the queue.

"Oh, come on! I hate it when you guys play secret like this," Jun protested, unsatisfied with Ohno's answer, and the oji-san team of Arashi laughed together seeing a pout on their youngest member's lips.

From somewhere in the queue, they could hear Nino complained, "Gee, I hate jetlag!"


A/N: So... Because the prompt is "depart", I think it should be a story which has something to do with journey. That's why it became like this... Random, yes xp but I hope you guys could still enjoy this... :)

pairing: yama, genre: friendship, genre: fluff, rating: g, pairing: ot5, author: pimanzero, length: one shot

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