Nov 23, 2006 10:44
Well, happy thanksgiving everyone. Last night was an akwards one sleeping. Did you ever wake up and you couldn't move even if you tried, but you still had feeling. It's sick. Luckily i saw something on tv about sleep cycles, and it said about how a part of your brain paralyzes you to keep you from hurting yourself while your sleeping during critical parts of sleeping like in dreams. So somehow that came into my head right after i woke up, but it still freaked me out a little bit. The funny thing is that it was only 2 hours into my sleep. So i got up till around 1 then went back to bed. That's what i get for taking a nap. Anywho, i flew awesome yesterday. I love this so much. It seems to be all i think about all the time, and all i talk about. So i'm sorry to anyone who i bore when i talk about flying. It is just so amazing. I guess you could say that my job is nothing more but poetry in motion. So i'm not sure what all i'm gonna do on this four day weekend of mine. it's the second one this month. I think i've had off as much as i worked. It sucks, i just want to get out of this place. Well, it's time for me to take a shower and such. It's hard to get away from the USA channel today. I turned it on and bad boys 2 was on. Damn tv. Well, i'm out. Peace~
Words from the wise: To spend your life wishing you were something else is a waste. Stop wishing and start doing.