Title: Rising Star (The TAB Redemption)
sci_fi_shipperRating: NC-17
Spoilers: Through Taking a Break from All Your Worries
Warnings: None
Summary: Lee agrees to leave Dee for Kara, but there’s one condition.
Word Count: ~17500
A/N: This fic grew out of my first published story on LJ, Uncertain, which was a brief TAB re-dux. It was a little fic that I needed to write to change the canon I could not tolerate. During the past few months of expanding and writing this version, I believe that I’ve finally been able to start chipping away at bad writing habits and to forge into new territory in my writing. Old remnants of sentimentality, melodrama, and repetitiveness still peek through at some points, but overall, I think I’ve come to understand how to write a better story. I hope you love it as much as I do.
Beta: The wise and wonderfully creative
Cheerleaders: My official (and favorite) cheerleader and first LJ friend
cosetteferaud, my best flister ever
cycnicalshadows, my r/l BFF and inveterate lurker
blink_angels and the fantastic
stripes13 who gave me last minute title support.
Part One Part Two