Just updating to let you know I still live :D

Sep 24, 2003 03:41

Gag, it has been forever since I updated, but there has been a reason, the power box in my computer died, so I'm waiting to get a new one, because I can't use my moms, she doesn't have AIM or anything, I'm using my sisters laptop to write this out right now.

Well, since I've last updated with my hiatus announcement i wrote one and a half chapters for my Lazytown fanfiction, and the computer I had those on died. And then on the computer I had been using I had written almost an entire chapter for my Naruto fanfiction, and then my power box died, so I need a new one before I can get it off of my computer.

I had also begun to write a new fanfiction, and I didn't have a back up copy for that either, so I have to wait, possibly, months to finish it, and that sucks D:. I guess this means that my hiatus is going to be even longer than I had planned.

I also wanted to mention that I got a new rabbit, his name is Chip~ He's so adorable~ He's a lop ear, and he's so sweet, he's white with butter-scotch markings, and a few black spots. I'll upload some pictures when I get the chance.

I guess that's about it.


I got a new MP3 player, it's a Sansa e260, it was free *wink*.
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