Jan 31, 2005 05:13
So i was really mad last night... and when i get mad i tend to drive untill i get un-mad... so i drove to yakama and sat at the airport watched planes for a while then i drove to the tri cities just cuz i was still mad... then i drove to moses lake and watched planes for a little bit... then i came home and i was happy! even though its 5am i was gone for 5 hours and it cost me 25 dollars in gas... todally worth it to clear out my head from one hell of a weekend... so i was flippin through my i pod as i stayed in MY LANE of traffic and found this old song i love and it discribed how i felt so perfectally so i copyed and pasted it just for you!
Eve 6 / open road
Tonight I feel ambitious and so does my foot as it sinks on the pedal I press it to the floor
I don't need a guy don't need a friend my friend lonesome's unconditional
We're flying forever bored
And for a moment I love everything I see and think and feel I love my broken side view mirror
Cause it's so perfect I'm so perfect you're so perfect you're not here I hear the change in gears
My pile shakes as I hit eighty on the open road
This is an open road song
The night is beckoning although I have nowhere to go but home
Feels good to be alone
With every turn comes a new frame of mind if I could frame my mind where would it hang
I crack a window and feel the cool air cleanse my every pore as I pour my poor heart out
To a radio song that's patient and willing
My volume drowns it out
But that's O.K. cause I sound better than him anyway any day yeah my voice is sweet as salt
I search for comfort and I find it where I've found it many times before
Times before can be forgotten
P.S. I just realized its january 31! omg im freekin out! im so not ready for midterms! who the fuck desided it would be january 31 today! this sucks i hate today! well ill hate tomaro more... and every day more the closer it gets to that aviation midterm!