Duo Maxwell || Gundam Wing

Nov 18, 2009 02:56

Name: Kiwi
Are you over 16?: *sob*
Personal LJ: gundamkiwi
Email: kiwi_no_miko at yahoo dot com
Timezone: PST
Other contact: Aim: gundamkiwi
Characters already in the game: Gon Freecs (jajankengon), Cho Hakkai (congenialsinner), and Crowley (yellow_snakeyes)
How did you find us?: You found me. 8|

Character name: Duo Maxwell
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Timeline: Endless Waltz, after Heero blows shit up and rescues Relena again, but before Duo destroys Deathscythe. And now with almost two years on the Thor under his belt.
Age: 16 (18 from his time on the Thor)
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: He's a space ninja astronaut Gundam pilot. Above average strength for a kid his size and weight is assumed, considering his occupation. He's also an excellent mechanic and great with computers; 1337 h4xx0r skillz, anyone? Other than that, he's your average 16-year-old kid with a tragic past.

Appearance: Short and scrawny. At the ripe old age of 16 Duo has yet to progress beyond 161cm (5'3") and is still a 95lb weakling (though he's far from weak). He normally dresses in all black; heavy boots, what are widely accepted as a pair of intergalactic jodhpurs, and a black, long-sleeved shirt over either a white shirt with priest collar or the collar of a red zip-up shirt. The length of his long, brown braid varies depending on the source, but is generally believed to end just at the top of his thighs. His long bangs hang down into his eyes, which - again, depending on who you ask - are either blue, grey, or violet. As they're bluish-grey in the anime, that's what we're going to go with here.

Having spent nearly two years on the Thor, he's managed to get himself some decent nutrition for a decent amount of time, so he's since filled out a bit! I've headcanon'd him at somewhere between 5'6" and 5'7" and in a comfortable 130-140 lb range.

Background/Personality: Orphaned at a very young age, Duo grew up on the streets in the slums of the L2 space colony. When he was about 6 or 7, he was taken in by the Maxwell church, where he was shown love and acceptance for the first time in his life. Sister Helen showed him how to neatly gather his hair, something no one had ever bothered to do before, and he still wears a long braid in memory of her kindness. He learned a lot from Father Maxwell and Sister Helen, the two clergy members who became like parents for him.

He had only lived with the priest and the nun for a year when a faction of terrorists, after rebelling against the Alliance, took refuge in the church. Duo attempted to appease them by stealing a mobile suit from the nearby military base, but by the time he returned to the church, the Alliance had attacked, reducing the building to rubble and massacring the occupants.

Little is known about Duo's life after that until he was about 12, when he was caught by a man known only as Professor G, stowing away on a cargo ship. The old man was intrigued by the look in Duo's eyes and impressed by his determination, and so took him under his wing.

Three years later, Duo took part in the historic event known as Operation Meteor, when five Gundams (gigantic, humanoid machines built with widespread destruction in mind) dropped to Earth from space and began wrecking havoc on the Alliance Military. Over the course of the following year, his efforts combined with those of the four other pilots (Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, and Chang Wufei) saw an end to the oppressive tyranny of first the Alliance military, then the OZ organization, and finally the White Fang group.

Things got better for a while, until Relena Dorlian-Peacecraft - a key political figure in bringing about the end of the war - was kidnapped by an army whose head hoped to resurrect the glory of the OZ organization and place the daughter of OZ's deceased leader at the head of a new world order. Duo busted out his Gundam once more to help the others rescue Relena and put a stop to this latest threat to world peace.

With the threat vanquished, it's assumed Duo either returned to his peaceful life as a scrap-yard owner/foreman on L2, or went to work for the Preventers, a group of ex-OZ and -Alliance soldiers who seek to prevent any more wars from happening.

Duo generally comes off as happy-go-lucky, cheerful - sometimes to the point of being annoying - and downright obnoxious. This is usually a front to throw off strangers; he's actually a lot more intelligent and thoughtful than he lets on, though that's not to say he's secretly an unhappy guy. He has his moments like every 16-year old, but he's still fairly optimistic and generally happy, despite his past.

His year-and-a-half on the Thor hasn't changed his underlying personality. More than anything, he's simply grown, becoming a bit more mature with his experiences and friendships there, but still the same (outwardly) cheerful and (inwardly) thoughtful guy he's always been. He wants a fairly quiet, 'normal' life - good work, good friends, good times, and lacking in things like terrorist activity and wars. Due to a series of unfortunately timed events, he was stranded in space back in November with eight other refugees, all of whom wound up as close friends, and three of whom he considers to be especially close - Shimura Shinpachi, an out-of-work samurai from an alternate Edo Japan that was invaded by aliens who is an even bigger nerd than Duo, Haruno Sakura, a beautiful ninja from another weird alternate-universe-type ancient Japan who he has a pretty big crush on (she was his first kiss!), and Galaxy Dog Fox McCloud, a bipedal, talking fox from some bizarre alternate future who thinks he's people

Have you read up on how the game works?: Duo's hacked the hell out of his Guide's Flaming Ferret program. Once he gets back and realizes all his money is gone he's going to hack the hell out of some banks, work the hell out of some missions, and bum the hell off of some friends. You know. The usual.

1st person sample: Well that was fun.

Just in case anyone was wondering, if you have an account at the First Thorian Intergalactic Bank and you tell them to donate the funds in your account upon your untimely removal from the Thor, they will do it.

At least I didn't have to fill out most of the new arrival paperwork again, I guess.

Man, I did not miss the Stowaways. Shinpaaaachiiii, can I crash at your place, pretty pretty please?

3rd person sample: The paperwork was the worst part. Well, that and finding out his (not insignificant savings) had disappeared...well, he'd left instructions for the money to be put to good use, since he'd figured that if he disappeared, he'd never return...but he hadn't been taken home, he'd just been kidnapped(!?) by the S.S. Sif, one of the Thor's sister ships. So actually, the money hadn't disappeared, so much as it had gone on to the place he'd wanted it to go to. So that, at least, wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Reopening his bank account had been a hassle, though.

But he and 'Scythe were both back. It had taken months. And he didn't even know if the people he'd come back for were still here.

He was almost afraid to find out.

Questions?: B|
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