→ Character Relationships ←

Jan 24, 2020 17:42

→ "..." ← e n e m y

→ "Knock it off." ← d i s l i k e

→ "You're so-and-so, right?" ← n e u t r a l (default)

→ "Nice to meet'cha!" ← a c q u a i n t a n c e

→ "Wanna hang out sometime?" ← f r i e n d

→ "Can I tell you something?" ← t r u s t

→ "Watch my back, would'ja?" ← f a m i l y

Heero Yuy

He left and came back, but he's totally different. Still Heero, though. At least, I'm pretty sure.

Trowa Barton

He left and came back too, but it looks like he doesn't know who any of us are. Kind of hurts, y'know? I've just left him alone so far. Hopefully one day he'll remember.

Quatre Raberba Winner

It's like a revolving door of Gundam pilots. I'm just glad Quatre at least remembers who I am.

Chang Wufei

He disappeared right before I got lost, and came back about the same time. That's the third time he's done that now, but at least he remembers being here before.

Shimura Shinpachi

He says he's the butt of his universe's crappiest jokes. That sounds like how I feel a lot of the time. He's one of the best friends I've ever had.

Haruno Sakura

Ninja. Very intelligent and kind. If I need anything, I know she's got my back.

Fox McCloud

Ace pilot. Might even be as good as I am.


Endearingly incompetent at pretty much everything ever. Gets kidnapped a lot.

Hanamura Yosuke

Normal guy. Kinda whiny sometimes, but he's still pretty cool. He keeps disappearing and coming back.

Katsura Kotarou

Former roommate. Keeps company with a weird space duck. Apparently a samurai. I wouldn't mind rooming with him again.

Ran Fan

Really quiet, and polite. I feel like she's finally relaxing around other people though.

Badou Nails

I like him a lot, but I don't really trust him. He's too nosy, and too good at changing the subject when he's uncomfortable with something. I think we might have a lot in common, but he never talks about himself.


Incurable curiosity. Can make anything, up to and including Gundanium. Apparently she can also read minds. She's really nice and kinda naive still, but I'm still kinda wary about her.

Renge Houshakouji

Weirdest girl I've ever met. Extremely pushy, obviously spoiled and used to getting her way. I think she's matured a little since coming here. She's not as bad as I remember.

Chang Meiran

Wufei has a wife. Who knew? She's even more intense than he is. I'm kinda wondering if he got it from her, instead of the other way around.

Ling Yao

We've worked together a couple times. Kinda air-headed, but a nice guy. Wouldn't mind getting to know him better.

Edward Elric

We've worked together a couple times now but haven't really talked much despite that.


No last name? He seems like a lonely guy. I think being on the Thor is probably good for him.


Really nice guy! Former roommate. Great pasta chef.

Haruhi Fujioka

We've talked a few times, but not recently. She seems pretty down-to-earth and friendly. Kind of a nice change considering some of the people around here.

Renji Abarai

He walked in on me once when I was in the shower and thought I was a girl. Kind of stupid...Which might explain why Katsura likes him so much.

Mordin Solus

One of the few truly alien refugees on the ship...which is really weird, when you think about it. He always seems like he's in a big hurry, and it gets even worse when he has coffee. He's a pretty cool guy.

Spike Spiegel

New arrival; thought he was high on shrooms when he got here...which is surprisingly unusual, now that I think about it. Seems pretty chill.

Allen Walker

Really nice guy. Strong morals. Makes great hot chocolate. He's disappeared and come back several times now, but I haven't really talked to him in a long time.

Aragaki Shinjiro

We haven't talked much; he's good friends with Ling and Ran Fan.

Minako Arisato

Seems to know Shinjiro, but he seemed pretty suspicious of her. I've only talked to her a little bit, but she seems nice enough to me.

Yuri Lowell

Talked to him once or twice a long time ago. He seems to keep to himself.


The only time I've talked to her, she seemed to be a little black talking cat. Apparently she's a shinigami, or some variation thereof.


Apparently the devil quit ruling Hell and retired to a turtle-shaped space station. Thankfully he keeps to himself and doesn't seem too interested in bothering anyone.


Former roommate: The effeminate one. I know for a fact that it does not take that much time to brush long hair.

Fai D. Flowright

Friendly guy, seems to know a lot of people. I kinda get the feeling there's more to him than meets the eye.


I think she's a Japanese god. Definitely a lot less intimidating than Aphrodite. She seems a lot more down to earth.


Only ever spoken with him once, and have no interest in repeating the experience. Claims to be a Buddhist "Super-monk" who considers death salvation. Killed Luke in cold blood on camera. Posted Shinjiro's medical records in a public place without his consent. Flirts with Badou like a dog in heat. Huge douchebag.

No longer here:

Kon Shinonome




Michiko Malandro

...When it rains, it pours.

Relena Darlian




Shion Uzuki


Danny Fenton


Sho Minamimoto







...At least she and her dad went together.





Last Update: 2011.08.09
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