[It turns on when Anemone accidentally bumps it in getting comfortable on her bed in the clinic.]
...so, Sumomo... what are you?
Sumomo! Masters l'il angel, at your service! Do you have a schedule?
...Schedule of what?
Schedule of your whoooole day of course! You can't function without a schedule! You must be neat and organized, and get plenty of morning exercise!
....I don't need morning exercise, this isn't training for an LFO. You're just... a tiny pink thing.... what am I supposed to do with you anyway?
[And Sumomo blows the whistle] Hold it right there! Everyone needs morning exercise! Sumomo will take the liberty of beginning Miss Anemone's schedule with Mooooorning Exercise at 7 AM sharp! Be up and at 'em! Go go GO!
Ow... my head... I'm not waking up at 7 for stupid exercise. Plus, I kind of can't.
Sure you can! Sumomo will sound the alarms! "Ding ding ding! Wee-oo wee-oo! Beeep beeep beeeeep! Time to get up!" Just like that, and play some nice music! It won't be hard if you try your best! Stick to it, you can do it! Ai!
...I fell on a freakin' pipe, and it kind of, I don't know, hurts. I'm not doing any stupid 7 AM exercises. I'm sleeping. And if you sound the alarms, I'm... well, you won't like it!
Haaaah..! S-s-scary giiiirl!! Don't hurt me, Master will be sad when he comes home!!
...I'm not gonna hurt you. But you can't go planning schedules for me starting with exercise. Can't it start with, like... naptime?
Naptime? But.. Miss Anemone will already be sleeping by the time the schedule begins! Bright and early! The early bird catches the worm! Early to bed, early to rise! [There are sounds of the laptop wirling and banging her tambourine.]
I don't want a stupid worm! You're so noisy, Sumomo... Anemone's schedule requires lots and lots of sleep, the end!
Lots and lots of sleep! Got it! Currently filling the daily planner.. 7AM, continute to sleep.. Noon, lunch then naptime.. Evening dinner then continue lots of sleep.. Scheduling complete! [A small, twinkling fanfare sounds as she completes the schedule.]
....well, that's a bit much... too many meals too.
Editing schedule.. Miss Anemone must create a new schedule for Sumomo to assist her in following! 7AM, continue to sleep.. Please fill in the next time slot!
Um... I don't know...
. . .[And Sumomo goes into screensaver mode and starts mindlessly twirling and dancing all over the end of the cot.]
....Sumomo, what are you doing?
[Savin' the screeeeen~ Look at me savin' that screeeen]
Welcome back, Miss Anemone! Are we ready to play?
What...? What are we playing?
I was just returning from screen saver mode! There are lots of games we can play! We can play hide and seek, we can play dance, we can play Simon Says! Oh! And sing or count the blue things, or count the red things! Or count--
[The transmission cuts out. It was probably annoyed too.]
[[ooc: Anemone's watching Sumomo until Shimbo comes back. Oh gawd, that thing is annoying. Someone save the poor girl.]]