I'm going to advise everybody to download one of these three programs, for the good of the world. They're all automated problem solvers that help researchers study various important things by using your extra computer time (when the CPU is idle) to analyze problems.
- this site is connected to the university of oxford, where they send out proteins that needed to be analyzed in order to determine molecules that could be potential targets for a cure for cancer. this is the one i have and it's great. the site's a bit confusing, but just look on the left side and click "join grid.org now" and follow the directions.
- this is similar to the oxford project, but the stanford project focuses on more diseases than just cancer. However, it's another protein folding program. Also, it's from stanford, which means it's great!
http://www.netdimes.org/index.html - this site helps to map the internet, allowing researchers to get an idea of where the hubs are around the world and to determine global traffic. I'd suggest getting one of the first two, but if this project is more up your alley it sounds kinda cool.
By donating your wasted computer you can make a big difference in the studying these noble goals. Also, if you enjoy having them on your computer (or simply don't even notice them) please tell your friends and family. Only 1% of the available computing power in the world is being put to use. That means that 99% of all the computing time is WASTED and could be used to help people in need. Do the right thing now!