I've just recently received an introduction booklet from Yale and emails from Columbia. While it would be sweet as fuck to attend Yale, thereby continuing a family trend that would please my grandfather greatly, I'd actually rather go to Columbia... maybe? And above all, I prefer the intimacy of Sarah Lawrence.
Goddamn you, college.
Meanwhile, my slave labor at the lovely Cup-a-Joe is a fantastic way to spend my summer. My poor little heart winces with the day's first sip of caffeine, but ohhhh how I do love mochas. And chai tea with cinnamon. And espressos. And peppermint patty iced lattes. And smoothies, holy hell! The ginger biscotti is pretty wonderful as well.... mmm, mmmm.
Anty has applied at Goodwill and Jeremy has sold his soul to Taco Bell, which means pretty soon the three of us will monopolize everything fun in Bedford. Which also means that by the end of the summer we will be so tired of what we do that Bedford will have nothing fun for us, and we'll have to go pitchforking our way up some snowcapped mock-Nebraska slope just to take a few shitty amateur National Geographic snaps, have a bread-and-rice-cakes picnic, clap our hands, and slide back down on the tough part of our heels, just to have a bit of entertainment in our lives. Sadly, the closest we can get to doing just that is a trip to Pedit's Gap at 5am Saturday morning.
Also, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 opens midnight tonight, and while we very much wanted to attend in full pirate garb (though not ravenous fans of the film), we cannot, so tomorrow evening will do just fine.
Aside from current events of my not-so-drab yet not-nearly-as-exciting-as-my-brother's-girlfriend's-adventures-in-Australia-and-New-Zealand summer, it's been a while since I've made a really great cd purchase. Any suggestions? How is the We Are Scientists album, I'm curious?
The aforementioned hooligans and I are in the process of making a movie called, "The Chink Baby." It's fucking hilarious.