i got a fucking perfect score on my english SOL. 600/600, FACE.
new layout!
annnd, american dreamz is officially the funniest movie i've ever seen. i plan to see it again next friday, so all of you should come with me. i mean it. (yes cornelius i know you've seen it already: CONGRATULATIONS OMAR! ahaha).
friday i skipped school and got kicked out of the mall for putting up these:
haha. (we were then of course followed around by an old asian man with a fart machine in his pocket, who laughed with a certain strangling damp hack and spoke probably six words of english.)
and in case you want more from the past couple of weeks:
(elton john.)
(my blanket's name is georgie. i bought him for $1.)
(this is princess. she's in her wooooshmobile.)
so. the moz and i are going to buy two cheap copies of the da vinci code tomorrow and have a race to see who can read it first, then the first to finish will pay for the other's ticket when we go see the movie. :) it should be fun.
ah, what else.
levi i need your address. comment with it puhleazeeee.
my weekends are so nice. i wish i could live in them. they are filled with incredible color and taste and laughing so hard the car shakes, and when sunday night toles its nasty bells i become very depressed, because then the week has to linger until my next lovely friday night.
this friday is the talent show - i'm excited!
and saturday - to greensboro!
last night i had a dream that i was going to italy with a bunch of wonderful people.
oh and i've finally had the green apple smoothie, and it was divine and i didn't want it to end but it did. so i went home and sliced an apple and dipped it in caramel, just to piss off my cravings.
i hate what we're doing in math analysis right now because "the nth degree" is what constantly streams in my head.
i need a monopoly party. you're all invited.
i missed my aunt's 60th birthday, and that kind of sucked.
the weathermen sure are getting attention this week, what with new england drowning and all.
ok. i think i'll go read something.