Mar 19, 2005 22:28
today i was bored, and i played DMC3 and watched Teen Titans all day, had a fight with my bro it was awesome man! like he was chasin me and i jumped over the cofee table and landed on the couch and ran across the couch to the next chair then the next chair then the recliner and jumped off and he was behind me and idk y but i hurt him when he jumped off the recliner i kicked him and he fell back, lol it was cool, then i watched Megas XLR, the best show, hell yeah! anyway i went to Bryans house and we played DMC3 and got 2 level 8 then went 2 mauricio's house and played basketball, then manhunt! it rocked! we had teams and stuff, it was me, bryan, and parker on 1 team, and mauricio, his bro, and sum kid on that team we hid first and i hid in a cooler i found, i got in trouble, sum dudes opened there huge cooler and found me in it, but we still one cus i ran away from 5-ass mauricio and jumped a fence and ran to the next yard! freakin bryan got stuck jumpin a fence so we left him and we climbed up 2 a roof, they found us and that kid we dont know came up i jumped off like oh shaith! parker took the ladder, im an idiot, hurt my feet, but i still ran lost that weird kid and fell in a ditch, stayed there 4 a while, then mauricio brought out that weird kid's paint ball gun, im like hell no!, bryan was laffin his ass off, parker was long gone in like 4 yards from me, im in a ditch, so i get up and start runnin like sonic, that weird kid so missed me, he was shootin right behind me, i coulda sworn i shitted my pants, then i found parker in a bush, we snuck up 2 bryan and got him back in, then he got caught again, so we got him in and threw him in the ditch i was in, and parker was like DONT GET CAUGHT U FAGGET!!!, he was like okay! damn!, then i hid in this 1 yard with a nice pool, then i heard parker got caught then i tried 2 get out of the yard 2 get bryan and this dog was barkin at me in the yard i was in, it was big, ripped sum of my jeans but i got away! then bryan was caught i was like nooooooooo!, but i saw it, the bright light, the paint ball gun, so i ran 4 it and threatened mauricio's team and got my team back, dropped the gun and ran, that weird kid was fast caught me, then bryan got me back, then we went 2 da next street and all went home, lol i bet mauricio's team is still lookin 4 us! LMAO!!!