Quit licking my pants!

Jan 04, 2009 13:07

OMG. I'm tired.
I stayed up till 3am watching "7 deadly sins" on the history channel. Supa interesting. I like to watch things about religion, considering I was a JW for like... 13 years. And most of the things that they were talking about I already knew ♥ I love history.

Other than that, yesterday was a grood day until I tried to ask my boss (Chef) for my evaluation and my raise. And he told me that I still needed to work on some stuff. I was pretty mad when he told me that. I'm a chef myself. I went to school and have worked in the most exravagant resturants that Arizona has to offer. He's just some asshole from the east coast that JUST moved here a year and a half ago. Who the FUCK is he to tell me that I need to work on shit?! Needless to say, I blew him off and went home. We'll talk about this on Tuesday douchebag

And...that's it. Im off like a prom dress.
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