Aug 07, 2007 19:35
Triphasic Week 1: Ethinyl Estradiol 35 mcg, Norethindrone .5 mg
Week 2: Ethinyl Estradiol 30 mcg, Norethindrone .75 mg
Week 3: Ethinyl Estradiol 35 mcg, Norethindrone 1.00 mg
Brand Name:Ortho-Novum 7/7/7
Other Generics:Necon 7/7/7
Regimen: 21 active pills + 7 blank/spacer pills
Pill Pamphlet: None available. *Please contact an admin, if you have a link to this.
* incomplete,
necon 7/7/7,
ortho-novum 7/7/7,
nortel 7/7/7