Feb 25, 2009 21:19
Whenever you are up to your antics, I try so hard to conceal my contempt. As you turn away, I'd roll my eyes with undisguised disdain. By then, everything and everybody seem be riding on my last nerves. And everytime, I silently decide that no one should approach me for I feel like a snake, coiled but poised for an attack.
I wonder why I give in to you, isn't this surrender? Nahz I shouldn't, because this only marks that I am at the losing end.. No. I have to remain composed and reserved, hiding my bitterness and at most I will stifle a curse. That's all. I'd just remain indifferent, I'm not giving in.
Damn Adeline with such an attitude and that bloody ego look on her face that she's done nothing wrong.