Paris = better than...

Jul 24, 2011 14:29

Damn, I seriously have not posted in this thing since January?

Anyway, most people know this already, but I've been living in France for the last month. I'm doing a study abroad for the summer. Thank fuck it ends in 2 weeks, I miss Allen and my kitty like crazy. I stayed with a couple French furries in Paris the first weekend I was here. Here's what I learned:

The stereotypes of Parisiens as rude snobs is completely false (Warning: results may vary for non-francophones). I've encountered a lot more rude assholes in Bretagne than in Paris.

After living in Bretagne for a month, I realised what it is I like about Paris. People in Paris are capable of walking at a normal pace! Here, people walk at the pace of a retarded child who really doesn't want to get to where they're going! I think spending a weekend in Paris and then moving to Bretagne is like taking a foreigner to the US and dropping them in San Francisco for a weekend, and then immediately sending them to rural West Virginia for the summer.

At Wittenberg, our professors always said that Bretagne is the absolute worst part of France. I can only say that compared to Normandie and Île-de-France, yes, Bretagne is the arse of France. The weather here is horrible, and EVERYTHING is closed Sundays.

I was also worried that people would immediately judge me for being an American once they heard me speak. WRONG! No one has figured out I'm American unless I tell them (which I rarely do). To the people in Bretagne, I look German. Very very German. Nevermind that I don't speak German, they see someone who is taller than everyone else in the village and who has red hair, they see a German stereotype. I've endured so much race-hate from old people in France who think I'm German (I wondered what the fuck "Boche" meant, and why people kept yelling it at me). Plus, I'm wearning a star of David, so I'm obviously not one of *those* Germans anyway. Dumb people.

Speaking of Jews, we're not tolerated that well in Bretagne, but Muslims are. I've had to abandon any hope of keeping kosher because they put pork in EVERYTHING here. It's the only meat they eat in Bretagne. I definitely love France, but I don't ever want to come to Bretagne again. Paris is awesome, I can picture myself living there, but I also really want to see the south of France before I decide if Paris really is all there is to France. I do definitely see why Parisiens don't care for the country folk.

If anyone wants to see pictures of whatever, friend me on Facebook, Sébastien Keeler.
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