IC Relationships~

Jan 13, 2012 02:11

If you've talked to James and would like to be added, feel free to post a comment <3



".... It's like the world's most undesirable secret club ever."
At first, James was almost convinced that Heather hated him. Primarily from how she seemed so aggressive towards him and the fact he had been from Silent Hill. Though, as the two continued to talk, James has grown more fond of her and actually considers her a friend. Not only that, they are both part of a secret club that no one else in their world or this one will ever understand or be a part of. Silent Hill Bros4life."They're not cartoons they're totally different it isn't even close to the same thing--"
James likes Otacon. He's kind of nerdy and obviously just about as awkward as he is. Which is comforting. Otacon is about as nice as people get and that is a quality James can easily admire. Of course, James would be thoroughly surprised if he found out that the seemingly normal nerd worked on giant robots, but then again James has ran into weirder things than mechanical engineers.


"...But at least it's not a tree. I hope Mister James finds a better hiding spot. It's dangerous to use a tree in this weather!" 
 James thinks Bridget is a good kid. He is obviously worried about James' well being and is always pretty polite to him. James isn't exactly sure why the kid wastes his time worrying about someone like himself, but it doesn't go unappreciated. Also, James is convinced Bridget is a girl."Ah- yeah if anyone has seen a little girl with short black hair around 7 years old please tell me."
James doesn't know what to think about Harry. They haven't talked much, but it seems like he's found another person to add to the secret club... That is if he really is who he says he is. James is, if anything, curious about him. He has reasons to believe he isn't who he claims to be, but he also wants to give the man a chance.

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ic relations, heather*, bridget*, ooc, harry*, otacon*, james derperland

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