[drabble dump] and then i kinda overdid myself.

Jun 30, 2010 14:50

the last four days; from demigod_elite 's drabblememe and narutobanged 's drabble ficathon. these are all highly-concentrated bursts of insanity, so please don't hurt yourself. /o/


the latvian gambit is my least favourite move
( prompt annabeth/ron weasley, strategy games)

she doesn't actually know how to play the game. there's too many fancy rules for her. she likes her men simple, her pawns few and far between, her pride unshattered when her queen takes a bite out of his bishop. some Disillusioned Ravenclaw told her that she'll take risks like cookies, but she'd scoff. in her book, waxing poetry is synonymous to bullshit.

"Dark Knight, that's a Dark Knight," ron tells her, jerking his thumb over his side of the board, "Ginny tried to use it on me."

"You just took five years off my life," annabeth frowns.

he has the nerve to giggle.

backgammon, she'd be winning. mancala, she'd have thirty-six more stones in her pot. World of Warcraft, Moaning Myrtle would be betting good money on her.

but she'd lose, because it was a fucking strategy game.

so instead, she imagines roasting Ron Weasley's head on a stick.

something about this just screams school!au. o__o

the moon looks prettier in the sun's light.
( prompt Thalia/Hunters (any); nighttime)

So she hadn't planned on seeing them again. She hadn't planned on reading any more figurative speeches and glossing over Artemis' attempts at catharsis, swirling classy words around her tongue, scaling brick walls under the moonlight, silver bows tied around her Huntress garb.

She didn't want it, didn't subscribe to it, didn't need it.

(Gabrielle wanted Thalia Grace. She wanted Thalia Grace the way her fingers would brush against the Huntress's quiver, she wanted Thalia Grace the way she couldn't see Gabrielle in the nighttime, the way her smile spun sugar and impressionism in Gabrielle's heart, the way her silver dress wrapped around her back like a poetic scroll, the way she didn't like apricot juice and fingerprints left by a sticky-fingered child.)

For want of a pretty lady in a silver dress, for want of a sugar-spun heart, she'd leave it all behind.

And if anyone would ask, she'd smile and shake her head. The moon looks prettier in the sun's light.

Gabrielle is 100% owned by peridottears . =D

i'm the fucking sun god.
( prompt percy/apollo; anything)

and now, looking at the boy sitting next to him in the rearview mirror, he starts giggling madly to himself, because he doesn't have any reason to envy percy jackson. he's just as handsome as percy, just as likely to guest-star on Days of Our Lives, just as likely to drag a ditzy girl out of her skirt and just as likely to get smashed on a monday night.

yeah. he is so chill. actually, no--he's hot. he's fucking hot. he's the fucking sun god.

percy frowns. "are we there yet? she's waiting for me. i thought your car could travel at the speed of light."

he licks his lips, nudges the gas pedal with his foot. "speed of light? i'll show you speed of light."

nope. the only person he'll ever envy is Annabeth Chase.


it comes with chocolate.
( prompt Deidara/Ino; doppelganger)

he's sitting on a fence, chewing something in his mouth. feeling the weight of the day on his hands, mumbling french poetry and smelling bird songs in the air. he's wearing five rings on his fingers; four from the thumb is a life-size caterpillar crawling up a leaf. she'd given him the slip two minutes ago, told him that uzumaki naruto was going to be here soon and she'd really rather not see him, so if you could just pretend i went on a date with sasuke-kun, that'd be great and maybe i'll even make you chocolates for valentine's day.

"ino! ino! d'you know where sakura-chan went?"

(he doesn't need her to make him confectionery. he's an artist who can cook for himself. likes the novelty of the idea, however, so he'll hang around for a while.)

"yo, ino! you listening?"

(he doesn't like chocolate anyway.)

"i'm not ino," deidara says.

the kid has the nerve to laugh. "okay, okay, i'll give. you're a genderbent ino. but you're still ino."


she pops a piece of clay under his tongue, gives him a quick kiss, tells him that it meant the world to her.

and deidara looks up at the sky and decides that he's going to fly.

you just love how the last line doesn't fit in with anything, don't you. OTL

( prompt Kakashi/Anko, lost on the road of life. made by the endearing turtle_ai )

there are times when he's on a mission and he'll suddenly remember that he'd forgotten to turn the electric fan off in his bedroom, when he's reading a book and he forgets the names of the characters and imagines her in their place, when he's taking a shower and forgets to take off his mask. the fabric sticks to his skin and he inhales his own sweat, dog fur and ink on a scroll of seals. wonders if she would find it a pleasant smell. hangs the mask on a hook to dry, near the sunny spot next to the bookshelf. and when he's toweling himself off, he sees her standing next to the door.

anko throws him an apple, and he catches it with two fingers, feels a shock go up his arm. shit, the electric bill. he wonders how much it's going to cost him when he gets home.

"where did the bottom half of your face go?"

"i lost it on the road."

she laughs. her laughter justifies his bleak reasoning; it's another opportunity to dissuade her. he tries to smile it off with his eyes. it doesn't work quite as well as it should, because his mask his still hanging on a hook, drying in the sunny spot next to the bookshelf.

"where'd you lose it?"

"hm," he scratches his chin. feels a beard. he would shave, but he probably won't have any working electric outlets by the time he's standing in front of his bathroom mirror. "that's a question."

"i can go look for it," she offers.

"it's okay, i'll manage."

"you sure?"


blink. "i dunno. i thought you'd be embarrassed about walking around without something covering that awful tan."

he stops. pauses and thinks. thinks it was ridiculous to trust any of her phony sincerity. thinks about going back to take another shower. thinks about bringing her into the shower with him. thinks about losing his mask on the road of life, carnations and dango and exclusion theories aside, for real this time. and it would be for her. only for her. (at the risk of tanning-out the rest of his chin.)

concludes with, "i can cover it up with Icha Icha Paradise."

(and it should be fair enough.)

she throws him another apple, and he catches it with two fingers and a thumb. "i'll deal."

shit, the electric bill.

ilu doro.

no title.
( prompt sasuke/naruto, our shadows are aligned. made by turtle_ai, again.)

so he whispers a few of the warmest words he knows, feels them light up a smile, kind of wants to bite his lips afterwards, but he doesn't because he means it, he really does. he means to come back, he means to apologize to sakura, he means to kiss naruto on the cheek for every hair he has on his face. he means to watch the dew on the grass and pretend that naruto is walking across the world, walking towards him, he means to remember that he has eyes in his heart. he means to try.

stretches across the grass, feels the earth crumble against his shoulders.

the sun comes out.

"hey, sasuke. look, your shadow is holding hands with mine."

ida_lawliet wrote a really cute version of this, as well. :3

or maybe he just doesn't remember the color of her panties
( prompt shikamaru/ino, doing laundry)

black lace, victoria's secret, no-stretch, the backing thin enough to ride up like a thong. like he could wear anything like this. which idiot sorted the laundry at the dry cleaner's today?

"is that a pair of panties?" ino asks him, and shikamaru feels a hole burn through the back of his shirt.

"um," he says.


"ino, wait, it's not--I mean, I--"


and then hungrytiger11 wrote a much more satisfying one, here. XD

shaved ice always tastes funky
( prompt sasuke/suigetsu, water-walking)

she had said something about firewalling priorities. something about maintaining secrecy, developing combat strategy, keepsake entities, preserving your virginity. the last one may have been made exclusively for sasuke, but suigetsu can't be too sure; he's not the only one who has problems swimming in the deep end.

instead, he sharpens his teeth.

she only says it so that, if they were to separate, sasuke would know where suigetsu had gone, and suigetsu would not have to worry about trying to hand in resignation papers--he'd get killed before he could run away. she says it confidently while scratching a scabby bite mark on the underside of her forearm, glancing at juugo and suigetsu and avoiding sasuke's glare.

(she pretends she doesn't know.)

the incisors have to tip at the thirty-degree from the lip of his gums. he smooths the peaks with a kunai shaped from granite, shaves enamel off by the millimetre. like shaving ice. like tapping the thin skin off of a butter croissant. like carving woodwork on jewelry. like walking on water, skimming and mincing the chakra across the balls of your feet until it's so fine, you can feel it glowing under your skin.

(she pretends she doesn't know.)

she says it confidently, while suigetsu sharpens his teeth. she pretends she doesn't know that sasuke fucks suigetsu in the early morning. she pretends she doesn't get the time to remember, because she doesn't wake up early to wash her face and trace the scars on her skin. she pretends she doesn't know that sasuke fucks suigetsu when it's barely light outside, when he can't see sasuke's face and when sasuke can't see him, when there are no words exchanged, only moans and scrapes against the wet blades of grass.

she doesn't know, after all.

all the while, suigetsu shaves ice off the water.

and i want to list all the sexy and gorgeous writing i found, but i'll end up reccing the entire post, so here's a lovely index of all the drabbles. JUST DON'T MISS OUT ON THE INDEX FINGERS, BOYBANDS, FIGGERS, AND KONANS GOING INTO LABOR.

where did the shift key go?, ^gen, omg! fic, [naruto], %romances, %slashstyle, short stuff, no rating, there is het, [pjo], %oncrack, %femmestyle, %angstyle

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