New LJ Friends Page

Nov 05, 2012 21:49

I mean I'm guessing the reason is because getting new features to work when everyone has custom layouts is a bitch but could they not give us an option? New layout + new features or old layout + no new features?

I really don't like it, far too white and I like being able to customize. So now they've simplified the look of comments and friends page, how long till they do they same to journals? I don't know if I could take a simple white journal. So dull. I don't know why but I find blank white spaces distressing, one of the reasons I always cover my walls in posters.

Their plans for paid features next yr sounds good though, depending how they go about it. Hope they do it quickly as I want more icon space and my membership expires next month. My main issue with their current system was the next step up for icons was massive and I only wanted about another 5. First world problems ^^;

P.S. Hopefully have first part of TW fic recs up on the weekend. I have midterms + assignments + essays + the odd other thing at the moment x__x


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