Film Challenge: Week 17

Aug 09, 2012 21:41


Ocean’s Thirteen (2007)

About: Danny Ocean rounds up the boys for a third heist, after casino owner Willy Bank double-crosses one of the original eleven, Reuben Tishkoff.

My Thoughts: Better than the second and maybe as good as the first. Sill funny and awesome. Pretty much about team loyalty and also love the family of crooks thing. The ending with the hotel reviewers <3

IMDb Rating: 6.9

My Rating: 8.5


The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)

About: British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than its advertisements, the Marigold Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways.

My Thoughts: I really wanted to see this film when I first saw it advertised but I had no one to go to the cinema with and had already been to my (small) local cinema on my own four times in two weeks so I chickened out. Friend reminded me of it and asked to watch it together. Wasn't disappointed. A brilliant cast def made a brilliant film in this case. It's not plot or action heavy, it's pretty much just about their lives but it's hilarious, real and entertaining to watch. Def recommend it.

IMDb Rating: 7.3

My Rating: 8.0


A Game of Shadows (2011)

About: Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.

My Thoughts: The sequel to the film that got me interested in Sherlock Holmes, Jude Law, and RDJ (or is it Tony Stark?). I saw it when it first came out in cinemas but this is only my second watch. SO much genius (and tree hate) in one film. I still love the way it's shot/ directed. The slow mo & explanation of how he plans to carry out a fight then it happening in real time is still awesome. Especially the little change ups they had. I love all the characters in this. ALL OF THEM <3 If you want more rambles,  here's the write up from the first time I saw it

IMDb Rating: 7.5

My Rating: 9.5


How to Train Your Dragon (2010)

About: A hapless young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed.

My Thoughts: When this was first advertised my friends and I laughed at how ridiculous it sounded. Dear friend who made us all go see it, I love you. One of my all time fave animated films. It's basically about a viking who fails at being a viking and a dragon which is actually a cat in a dragon's body. Adorable and hilarious film. If you don't want a Night Fury by the end, you prob watched it wrong.

IMDb Rating: 8.2

My Rating: 9.0


The Help (2011)

About: An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African-American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis.

My Thoughts: So many feelings about this film. Gonna start off by saying I grew up in S. Africa. I was born during the Aprtheid but it was over by the time I was old enough to walk & talk so it's not something I ever really noticed. No one in my family or their circle of friends agreed with the Apartheid so they treated blacks and coloured people as they treated anyone else. However such people were still generally employed as helpers, housekeepers, maids etc so nearly all of my friends had a black or coloured housekeeper. My family didn't have one as my Mom was a stay at home Mom and saw no need for one. However I spent a lot of time at friends' houses so I knew what it was like to have one. Unlike here (the UK) our housekeepers/ maids do a range of things. They usually cook, clean and take care of the kids. Depending on how many hours they're needed for in a day. To us they were pretty much our secondary mothers. They treated you as if you were their child and we, along with their employers, treated them as one of the family. They usually worked with a family till the kids moved out or longer if a maid was still required. This meant parting with one was usually like saying bye to a family member. Even if they worked for us we had a family bond. Parting was never done lightly.

So basically the film reminded me of a lot of things. It made me miss those housekeepers, it made me feel sorry for the housekeepers who weren't fortunate enough to have an anti-apartheid employee and it just generally made me angst. It is a wonderful film though. It shows black woman being strong, dealing with what they (unfortunately had to) for their families and coming home and living their lives. Finding joy and friendship where they can. Loving the kids they raise even if they aren't their own, even if the kids parents are horrible. I admire the women in this film and I'm glad we're no longer going through that part of history.

IMDb Rating: 8.1

My Rating: 8.5


Lilo & Stitch (2007)

About: A Hawaiian girl adopts an unusual pet who is actually an notorious extra-terrestrial fugitive from the law.

My Thoughts: Adorable film and also quite hilarious while still being quite angsty. The animation is beautiful, love how colourful it is.I feel the film has at least two large lessons. One, that about accepting others, even if they're different and two don't let your origin or anyone dictate who you are. Live your own life. Love all the characters, especially David who doesn't seem fazed by much and seems to genuinely care for Nani and Lilo. Also let's not forget how there's a cross dressing alien and no one bats an eyelid.

IMDb Rating: 7.0

My Rating: 8.0


Young Adult (2011)

About: Soon after her divorce, a fiction writer returns to her home in small-town Minnesota, looking to rekindle a romance with her ex-boyfriend, who is now happily married and has a newborn daughter.

My Thoughts: This film is ridiculous and pointless. Not a single good point.

IMDb Rating: 6.5

My Rating: 0.0

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