Nov 19, 2007 23:19
Things that NEED to be said.
When Lines of sexuality and gender are blurred, my heart is filled with joy.
I havent had en erection in over 18 years, please kill me.
There WERE lesbians in the bathroom on friday night.
Yes, I peed on the small business development center.
I hold the knowledge of the diffrence between a bitch and a ho.
I have degenerated to a level of insanity where a man (who didnt know the meaning of the word 'wierd' untill me met me) stopped talking to me. This is awesome in that it fills my heart with joy to think about it.
My gay friend hooked up with the 'male version of me' (his words) and this fills my heart with joy. I am truely flattered.
I have a psych test in 8 hours so I am up late on LJ.
No one ever comments my journal, because I only comment in communities and not on their journal. I dont mind.
Benchilada's journal doesnt count, its a cultural hub of the LJ community.
I dont post personal issues in my LJ, Id rather tell a person so I can get feedback. The less I know you the safer you are. Any takers for some talk therapy? I assure you itll be interesting.
things that need to be said,
fills my heart with joy,