Mar 10, 2006 13:32
so the wind last night was fucking crazy. i almost thought that our trash cans were gonna go flying into the street. that's how strong it was. it rattled the shit out of the windows and even the bathroom door. but i closed the window cuz that was annoying.
My poor Yob got scared but he was relieved that big brudder was sleeping next to him and that uncle was in the room too. talk about security for such a small one. poor thing can be such a little shit some times but it sucks how sometimes he can get scared so easily.
Well i'm not doing anything right now except downloading more video game music cuz i have a serious lack there-of right now. my idiot box vol. 2 is scratched to high hell, and i need my computer to remake that one.And my computer is still down for the count.
Well, other than that i'm gonna meet a new friend today and we're gonna go out and get some coffee, also go to best buy to get something new for myself with the coupons i jes recieved in the mail. and clean out my trash can on wheels. wow i'm having an exciting day arent i?