Detroit Synergy has some sort of photo exposition that will be part of a larger exhibition about Detroit and are currently looking for photos. Since I have an abundance of Detroit-related photos (mostly just lame shots of downtown buildings), I wish to enter. However, there are about 25 shots that I could submit out of a maximum of three.
Want to help? Pick your top three photos. Keep in mind that the images should demonstrate the underdog beauty and singularity of the place and the people. If that's the case, there's a few that would probably be disqualified.
And if anyone else has flicks of Detroit, I recommend entering because, well, why not?
Some notes:
* 6: I think this is a decent picture just because of the contrast between the spline of the People Mover track and the straight lines of the Broderick and Whitney buildings.
* 8: I'm sure there's some underlying symbolism like white folks looking into the city from the comfort or safety of their surroundings with wonderment.
* 11: One of the more beautiful terra-cotta buildings in the area left abandoned and decorated with the ever-present graffiti (Malt, Fosik, and Coupe).
* 14: Believe it or not, no modification was done to this photo. I just got lucky and the conditions were right to color the sky stormy-grey and the sunset lit up the steeple. Perhaps some kind of religious hope symbolism for the city?
Speramus Meliora, Resurget Cineribus, hm, yes?* 24: Foreground: the bombed out and abandoned former Black Bottom (I believe) area. Overshadowed by: economic progress of domestic Big 3auto manufacturers (hey, I can see my work from there!)
* 26: Just quasi-Detroit-unique things. The Whale painting by Wyland on the Broderick (he has done a few other in other cities across the US), the People Mover (there are at least two other driver-less train systems in the US, one in Miami), Simmons and Clark (I believe they have a store in Harper Woods), Detroit Beer Co (they have sister stores in Royal Oak and Rochester).