Pinky and the Brain Easter Egg

Feb 28, 2009 22:09

I recently added The Animaniacs to my Netflix Queue. I remember watching it daily, promptly following Tiny Toons at it's 4:30 PM EST time slot. To a kid, the show was funny. You had all the imitations you never quite understood, the catch-phrases, the puns (so maybe that's where I got my pun-love at), and the sheer variety of skits. You had the Animaniacs themselves but also Rita and Runt, The Goodfeathers, and of course, Pinky and the Brain.

Below I've managed to caputure a frame from the opening sequence of the show. I haven't really gone back and checked out beginnings to other episodes to see if other things are written on the board, but I thought this was interesting.

Besides it looking like Brain is giving head to Pinky you should see THX = 1138. This is, of course, a reference to George Lucas' first feature-length film THX 1138. This film is surely one worth watching if you have not done so yet. Just like watching the combination of American Beauty and Fight Club over the same weekend will skew your view of middle-class life, watching THX 1138 in combination of 2001: A Space Odyssey will make you understand about a quarter of all the slightly obscure sci-fi references you've heard over the years. Toss in a reading of The Giver, Brave New World (which has one of the best dialogs in the ending I've read), and Nineteen Eighty-Four in between spurts of playing Blade Runner and you'll want to lock yourself in from the future for a week or two.

So why is there a George Lucas reference in The Animaniacs? Well, Steven Spielberg, who is good friends with George Lucas, produced and was quite involved with The Animaniacs. Not only that, but both The Animaniacs and THX 1138 came from the Warner Brothers studios.
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