Mar 13, 2004 06:08
Holy shit it's been awhile, I guess I've been hit with a lack of motivation... Or something of the sort, can't really see the point on posting, who really reads this stuff anyways? Well newho, got back from Bryces house around half an hour ago, it's now 6:00 am and I can't find a reason to really go to sleep right now. My body is telling me to go to sleep, but my brain is telling me to stay awake, or my mind for that matter. Again I don't have anything truly interesting to write about, my life has been a lot of 'blahs' lately and I can't seem to set myself in the right direction. It's like I have all these ideas, or things, that I want to accomplish but I am in no way putting any effort towrads them. Ack, I guess thats my fault tho and I shouldnt be down about it... Not to say I am down about it, but you get the point. Neways...
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."