so in this dose of rl one of my best friends,
joanna_22 , was having her b-day.
it's wasn't much of something i would usually do but it was fun and quite a pleasant day.
so we started out going to the movies. we went and watched The Hangover. Hilarious movie, and Bradley Cooper is still damn ass hot! XD
there's a good number of things though that i did not need to see in the movie but i guess it's ok~ it was funny enough!
after that we had dinner at
zen8 . the place was nice... pricy but nice.... thought i'd have to say that the food could have been better... there was something about the place that just wouldn't make me want to go back on my own again...
the drinks were nice though~! the sake caesar was really good~! XD
after that we went to karaoke and it was ok... i failed to remember all the songs i wanted to sing... it's soo sad... and they didn't have arashi solos.... i would have gone crazi if they have friendship! XD
after that we went to Tequila. nice place... good music... not my thing!~ XDDDD not much of a clubber and dancer... the guys attempted to get me tipsy/drunk.. didn't work cause i'm not a lightweight and can do shots hard...
i'm much more of a lounge/pub person.
so it was pretty late when we were leaving... ok not that late... it was around two-ish. got home around 2:30 and was thinking about going over to keisuke's place but felt it was way too late and at last decided not to... cause i'm a bum!~ stayed up till like 5 doing stuff on my laptop till i went to bed...
the day was nice.. though i feel kinda bad that i forgot to give her her present~! XDD
whatever! XDD
but oddly i still prefer my life with fandom and less clubbing... our lifestyles are too different~ but nonetheless i guess it's that we're still friends that count~
so how has my f-list been yeah??
hope you're all doing well!
~much luv