Title: Growing Up
pili204Pairing: Ron/Hermione with mentions of Rose/Scorpius
Rating: PG
Word Count: 564
Date Published: September 4, 2010
Summary: Ron is not so happy about Rose growing up.
Author's Note: Thanks to
willow_wand for her quick and supportive beta work. Written for my friend
queenb23more and originally posted at
"I don't like it, Hermione. Not one bit," Ron said as he pulled back the covers of their bed a little too aggressively.
Hermione rolled her eyes, knowing Ron's reaction was just as she expected… very over the top. "It had to happen sooner or later."
Ron looked at her as if she had grown a third eye. "She's only fourteen, Hermione. Fourteen. I'd say that's a little too young, wouldn't you?"
She bit her lip, trying to contain her laughter. "Ron, you do remember being fourteen and being completely infatuated with Fleur, right?"
"That's different," he exclaimed. "Fleur's half-Veela, you know what she used to do to me. I was a bloody idiot back then, but Rose is not and Scorpius is no Veela… so there's no reason for Rose to be… to be so…" he paused, looking for the right word, "…infatuated, as you say."
Ron's vehemence was enough for Hermione to lose the little self-control she had maintained until now and burst out laughing. "Really, Ron, you're exaggerating. She's not infatuated; she's exchanging owls with a classmate."
"I don't think so," he said, now with a tone of defeat. "I'm losing my little girl."
Hermione climbed into their bed and scooted to Ron's side, throwing her arm around his middle. "Rose isn't so little anymore. In case you haven't noticed, she's growing up to be quite a pretty young lady. It's natural for blokes to be interested in her and for her to feel flattered with the attention."
"But, Hermione, it's Scorpius Malfoy!"
"Alright, I see how that would bother you. But Ron, just like you said, she's fourteen; it might be someone else next summer and some other bloke years from now. It's practically impossible to fall in love with the right person when you're only fourteen."
"It's possible," he said with a grin as he rolled her over and hovered over her. "I fancied you like mad when I was fourteen and never stopped. It could happen to Rose as well."
"Maybe," she conceded, reaching up to steal a quick kiss. "But it's too early to know. Right now Rose and Scorpius are just exchanging owls during the holidays. It's not like it was with us. At Hogwarts they each have their own set of friends, they're in different houses, and have different activities. They share some classes, yes, and are beginning to talk outside of them, but that's about it for now."
"For now?"
"Yes, for now. Like I said, we don't know what's going to happen. I think Rose is flattered with the attention. And I think Rose might find Scorpius interesting, but I don't think she's fallen in love, Ron."
"She better not have."
"But that doesn't mean it can't happen. Sooner or later Rose will fall in love. It might be with Scorpius or it might be with someone else, but it's going to happen. So you better start getting used to the idea."
Ron pouted and grumbled something incoherent.
"What was that?"
"Never mind. I don't want to think about Rose falling in love anymore, at least not right now."
"Oh no, and what would you rather be doing?" she asked teasingly.
"Something like this," he said right before attacking her neck with kisses as his hand traveled down her body.
"Yes," she muttered letting her own hands travel down his back.