Title: A Wonderful Christmas
pili204Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: 603
Date Published: July 29, 2009
Author's Note: Written for my good friend
willow_wand as part of the first line meme.
The room was littered with scraps of brightly colored paper and boxes were scattered across the floor, the remnants of a lovely Christmas. It was their first Christmas together as a married couple, and Hermione had decided it couldn't have been any more perfect... even with all the little mishaps along the way.
First, she had burned the chocolate cake she had insisted on baking for the family get-together at the Burrow. Molly had said, on more than one occasion, that there was no need for her to bring anything, but Hermione didn't want to be the only daughter-in-law not to contribute something. She knew that Fleur, Angelina, and Audrey all were baking or cooking something for the occasion. She still couldn't understand how she had managed to burn the cake. She had, after all, followed every step in the cookbook she had borrowed from her mum.
Once at the Burrow, she had reached for what she taught was one of Molly's famous cinnamon biscuits but it turned out to be a new product George was testing for the joke shop. Ron, trying hard not to laugh at the whiskers that had sprouted on her face, quickly vanished them away. He had warned her about them, but she had been distracted amidst the conversation.
Ron drank one too many glasses of Angelina's special punch, which made him dizzy and giggly. When it was time to Apparate back home for their private celebration, he had trouble concentrating and ended up splinching a small corner of his shin. It wasn't hard to mend, but when Ron had felt the blood on his face he had panicked, making it harder on Hermione to hold him still and fix his face.
But all that had been forgotten as they sat cross-legged on their living room, admiring the lighted tree and talking breathlessly about next Christmas.
"I can hardly believe it, they'll be three of us next year!"
"That was the best present, Hermione," he said, grinning widely.
That morning she had watched him sleep until she could no longer contain her excitement. She then proceeded to leave a trial of butterfly kisses all over his face. As soon as his eyes had opened, she had whispered, "Ron, we're going be parents. I'm pregnant."
He had jumped out of bed thrilled with the news and demanding to know everything. When had she found out? Why hadn't she told him earlier? When was she due? How long did he have to get the baby's room ready?
Now, he was talking animatedly about paint colors and building a crib and stuffed owls.
"Do you want a girl or a boy?" Hermione asked, truly curious to hear his answer.
"A girl."
"Not a boy to play Quidditch with?"
"I can play Quidditch with a girl. Just look at a Ginny, she's brilliant."
"True. But why a girl?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. Since you told me this morning, my first thought was that I wanted to be a girl… a girl who has your eyes and your hair. She'd absolutely perfect!"
That was all it took for Hermione to start crying. She couldn't understand the reason for her tears. It was mad how her emotions seemed to be all over the place. For right now, she couldn't remember ever being so happy.
"Harry did warn me about the mood swings," Ron said half-jokingly as he reached to wipe her tears away.
"Ron, you prat!"
"See." But before she could argue any further, he closed the space between them and kissed her deeply. It really was the most wonderful Christmas.